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Chapter 12
Tools for Alignment Tasks [#]

12.1 Introduction

This chapter introduces a new plug-in that allows users to create new tools for text alignment and cross-document processing.

Text alignment can be achieved at a document, section, paragraph, sentence and a word level. Given two parallel corpora, where the first corpus contains documents in a source language and the other in a target language, the first task is to find out the parallel documents and align them at the document level. Cross-document processing is where multiple documents need to be looked up in order to achieve some tasks, for example cross-document co-reference resolution.

For these tasks one would need to refer to more than one document at the same time. Hence, a need arises for Processing Resources (PRs) which can accept more than one document as parameters. For example given two documents, a source and a target, a Sentence Alignment PR would need to refer to both of them to identify which sentence of the source document aligns with which sentence of the target document. Similarly for a cross-document co-reference resolution, the respective PR would need to access both the documents simultaneously.

GATE framework deals with one document at a time. A GATE document does not have any dependency on any of the other resources in GATE. It means that it is an independent object which can be added or removed from a corpus or datastore. The standard behaviour of the GATE PRs contradicts the above mentioned requirements. GATE PRs accept one document at a time. Corpus pipeline which accepts a corpus as input, considers only one document at a time. Having said this it is not impossible to make PRs accepting more than one document but this would require a lot of re-engineering.

12.2 Tools for Alignment Tasks [#]

We have introduced a few new resources in GATE to address these issues. These include CompoundDocument, CompositeDocument, and a new AlignmentEditor to name a few. Below we describe these components and how to use them.

12.2.1 Compound Document [#]

A new Language Resource (LR), called CompoundDocument, has been introduced which is a collection of documents and allow various documents to be grouped together under a single document. The CompoundDocument allows adding more documents to it and removing them if required. It implements the gate.Document interface allowing users to carry out all operations that can be done on a normal gate document. A PR wishing to access multiple documents can group them under a composite document which internally allows accessing its members.

To instantiate CompoundDocument user needs to provide the following parameters.

To summarize, the following parameters are required to instantiate the CompoundDocument.

  1. encoding (default = UTF-8, java.lang.String, required = true)
  2. collectRepositioningInformation (default = false, java.lang.Boolean, required=true)
  3. preserveOriginalContent (default = false, java.lang.Boolean, required = true)
  4. documentIDs (default = empty, java.util.ArrayList, required = true)
  5. sourceUrl (default = empty, java.net.Url, required = true)

Figure 12.1 shows a snapshot for instantiating a compound document from the GATE GUI.


Figure 12.1: Compound Document

Compound document provides various methods that help in accessing their individual members.

public Document getDocument(String docid);

The following method returns a map of documents where the key is a document ID and the value is its respective document.

public Map getDocuments();

Please note that at a given time only one document member has a focus set on it. All the standard document methods of gate.Document interface apply to this set document. For example there are two document, “hi” and “en” and the focus is set on the document “hi” then the getAnnotations() method will return a default annotation set of the “hi” document. One can use the following method to switch the focus of a compound document to a different document.

public void setCurrentDocument(String documentID);  
public Document getCurrentDocument();

As explained above new documents can be added to or removed from the compound document using the following method.

public void removeDocument(String documentID);  
public void addDocument(String documentID, Document document);

The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a new compound document using GATE API.

// step 1: initialize GATE  
// step 2: load the Alignment plugin  
File alignmentHome = new File(Gate.getPluginsHome(),‘‘Alignment’’);  
// step 3: set the parameters  
FeatureMap fm = Factory.newFeatureMap();  
// for example you want to create a compound document for  
// File.id1.xml and File.id2.xml  
List docIDs = new ArrayList();  
fm.put(‘‘documentIDs’’, docIDs);  
fm.ptu(‘‘sourceURL’’, new URL(‘‘file://z:/data/File.id1.xml’’));  
// step 4: finally create an instance of compound document  
Document aDocument = (gate.compound.CompoundDocument)  
 Factory.createResource(‘‘gate.compound.impl.CompoundDocumentImpl’’, fm);

12.2.2 Compound Document Editor [#]

Compound document editor is a visual resource (VR) associated with the compound document. The VR contains several tabs - each representing a different member of the compound document. All standard functionalities such as GATE document editor with all its add-on plug-ins such as AnnotationSetView, AnnotationsList, coreference editor etc. are available to be used with each individual member.

Figure 12.2 shows a compound document editor with enlgish and hindi documents being a member of the compound document.


Figure 12.2: Compound Document Editor

12.2.3 Composite Document [#]

Composite document allows users to merge the texts of members of a compound document and yet keep the merged text linked with their respective member documents. In other words, if users make any change to the composite document (e.g. add new annotations or remove any existing annotations), the relevant effect is made to their respective documents.

A PR called CombineMembersPR allows creating a new composite document. It asks for a class name that implements the CombiningMethod interface. The CombiningMethod tells the CombineMembersPR how to combine texts and create a new composite document.

For example, a default implementation of the CombiningMethod, called DefaultCombiningMethod, takes the following parameters and put the text of the compound document’s members into a new composite document.


The first parameter tells the combining method that it is the “Sentence” annotation type whose text needs to be merged and it should be taken from the “Key” annotation set (second parameter) and finally all the underlying annotations of every Sentence annotation must be copied in the composite document.

If there are two members of a compound document (e.g. hi and en), given the above parameters, the combining method finds out all the annotations of type Sentence from each document, sort them in ascending order, and one annotation from each document is put one after another in a composite document. This operation continues until all the annotations have been traversed.

Document en     Document hi  
Sen1            Shi1  
Sen2            Shi2  
Sen3            Shi3  
Document Composite  

The composite document also maintains mapping of text offsets such that if someone adds a new annotation to or removes any annotation from the composite document, they are added to or removed from their respective documents. Finally the newly created composite document becomes a member of the same compound document.

12.2.4 DeleteMembersPR [#]

This PR allows deleting a specific member of the compound document. It takes a parameter called “documentID” and deletes a document with this name.

12.2.5 SwitchMembersPR [#]

As described above, only one member of the compound document can have a focus set on it. PRs trying to use the getDocument() method gets a pointer to the compound document however all the other methods of the compound document gives access to the information of the set document member. So if user wants to process a particular member of the compound document with some PRs, S/he should use the SwitchMembersPR that takes one parameter called documentID and set the focus on the document with that specific id.

12.2.6 Saving as XML [#]

Calling toXml() method on a compound document returns the XML representation of the member which has a focus set on it. However, GATE GUI provides an option to save all member documents in different files. This option appears in the option menu when a user right clicks on the compound document. User is asked to provide a name for directory in which all the members of the compound document are saved in separate files.

It is also possible to save all members of the compound document in a single XML file. The option, “Save in a single XML Document”, also appears in the option menu. After saving it in a single XML document, user can use the option ”Compound Document from XML” to load the document back in GATE.

12.2.7 Alignment Editor [#]

A new Visual Resource (VR) called AlignmentEditor has been implemented (Figure 12.3 and 12.4) and is attached with every compound document. As the name suggest, the purpose of the AlignmentEditor is to allow users to align texts from different members of the compound document at a section, paragraph, sentence and a word level. It provides a very user friendly interface to perform manual text alignment.


Figure 12.3: Alignment Editor


Figure 12.4: Alignment Editor with an example Pair

User is asked to provide certain parameters based on what a new alignment task is set up. Once the task has been setup user is shown some text and is asked to align the text. An instance of the gate.alignment.Alignment class is created and stored as a document feature on the compound document. This object is then used for storing all the alignment information such as which annotation is aligned with which annotations of what document and so on.

The parameters needed for setting up a new alignment task are as follows:

Document en     Document hi  
Sen1            Shi1  
Sen2            Shi2  
Sen3            Shi3

Given a compound document with two members (en and hi) as shown above, if user selects “en” as a source document, “hi” as a target document, “Key” as an input annotation set, “Sentence” as a parent of unit of alignment, “Token” as a value for unit of alignment and “gate.alignment.gui.DefaultIteratingMethod” as an iterating method, pairs will be created in the following manner.

Pair1 Sen1 Shi1  
Pair2 Sen2 Shi2  
Pair3 Sen3 Sen3

Each of these pairs is shown one at a time. If a user clicks on the next button, the next pair of sentences is shown. Similarly clicking on the previous button brings up the previous pair. In each of these sentences, the individual tokens are highlighted with a default colour (to mark the boundary for each unit of alignment). In order to align one or more units in the source language with one or more units in the target language, the user needs to select them by clicking on them individually. Clicking on units highlights them with an identical colour. Right clicking on any of the selected units brings up a menu with ”Align” and ”Reset Selection” options. The user can select ”Align” to align the selected units or can select the ”Reset Selection” option to reset the selection. If the annotations are unaligned, they are highlighted with the same color and a link (a line with the same color) between them is shown. In order to unalign them, the user needs to right click on the aligned annotation and click on the ”Remove Alignment” option. If the annotation is part of an one-to-one alignment, both the annotations (i.e. the source and the target annotations) are unaligned. However, if there is another annotation in the same pair and the same document that is aligned with the same annotations in the target document, the annotation on which the user right clicks is taken out of the alignment leaving rest of the annotations still aligned.

Currently there is no implementation provided to export this alignment information, but one could easily write a PR that reads this information and export it to his/her desired format.

Advanced Features [#]

The editor also allows adding more actions to the editor. There are in total three different types of actions:

When users click on the next or the previous button, the editor obtains a pair that needs to be shown in the editor. Before it is displayed, the editor calls the registered instances of the PreDisplayAction and passes them the pair object. This could be helpful to preprocess a pair before it is displayed in the editor. For example, a wrapper could be written for a word alignment algorithm that identifies word alignments in the given sentence pair. More information on the methods of the PreDisplayAction interface could be found in the javadoc.

In case of the word alignment scenario, when a sentence pair is displayed, users can align new words and delete existing ones if needed. This could be achieved by clicking on the relevant buttons in the options menu. All buttons that appear in the option menu are instances of the AlignmentAction. As explained earlier, “Align”, “Reset Selection” and “Remove Alignments” are the three default buttons that are available to the users. The editor also has an “options tab” where users are allowed to add new actions. Users wishing to add new options to this tab or to the “options menu” need to provide their own implementations of the AlignmentAction interface. Below we list some of the methods of the AlignmentAction interface.

Users might want to restrict showing these buttons based on some conditions. For example, the “Align” button appears only when users select the unaligned units. Similarly the “Remove Alignments” button appears only when users right click on any of the aligned units. This can be controlled with the help of first three methods as specified above. For example the method “invokeForAlignedAnnotation()” indicates that the button should only appear when users right click on any of the unaligned units.

It is also possible that users might want to perform additional tasks when they click on any of the “Align” or the “Remove Alignment” buttons. For example, users can build a dictionary with new entries while aligning word pairs. In this case, an additional task of adding new entries to the dictionary can be performed when the “Align” button is clicked. On the other hand, not all entries that users align should be included in the dictionary. For the ones which aligners think should go in dictionary, they might want to ask the editor to add them explicitly. All these issues can be controlled by returning appropriate values for the last two methods of the AlignmentAction interface (i.e. invokeWithAlignAction() and invokeWithRemoveAction()).

It is important to note that the new option is added either to the options tab or to the options menu. Users wishing to add it as a button to the options menu must return “false” for the invokeWithAlignAction() and invokeWithRemoveAction() methods. Users wishing to add it to the options tab, must return true for at least one of these two methods. In case of the latter, the getCaption() method is used for obtaining a string that is used for creating a checkbox which is then added to the options tab. When users click on the “Align” or “Remove Alignment” button, the editor also calls the respective actions for the checked checkboxes.

Last of the three types of actions is FinishedAlignmentAction. Before users click on the next button, they are asked if the pair they were aligning has been aligned completely. In other words, if there is any alignment unit left that still needs to be aligned. If the alignment is complete, the registered instances of the FinishedAlignmentAction interface are called. This could be helpful to write an alignment exporter that takes an aligned pair as input and exports it in an appropriate format.

How to register actions? Having implemented various actions, users need to register them with the alignment editor. In order to do so, users can click on the “Load Actions” button. It brings a window and user is asked to provide a configuration file. A configuration file is a simple text file with fully-qualified class names specified in it. After the class name, users can specify any necessary parameters (delimited by a comma sign) that they wish to pass to respective actions classes when they are initialized. Below we give an example of such an entry in the actions configuration file.

#use the class DictionaryBuilder and pass the "/user-home/dictionary.txt" and  
"root" as two parameters to the init method of the class.  