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Chapter 8
JAPE: Regular Expressions over Annotations [#]

If Osama bin Laden did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. For the past four years, his name has been invoked whenever a US president has sought to increase the defence budget or wriggle out of arms control treaties. He has been used to justify even President Bush’s missile defence programme, though neither he nor his associates are known to possess anything approaching ballistic missile technology. Now he has become the personification of evil required to launch a crusade for good: the face behind the faceless terror.

The closer you look, the weaker the case against Bin Laden becomes. While the terrorists who inflicted Tuesday’s dreadful wound may have been inspired by him, there is, as yet, no evidence that they were instructed by him. Bin Laden’s presumed guilt appears to rest on the supposition that he is the sort of man who would have done it. But his culpability is irrelevant: his usefulness to western governments lies in his power to terrify. When billions of pounds of military spending are at stake, rogue states and terrorist warlords become assets precisely because they are liabilities.

The need for dissent, George Monbiot, The Guardian, Tuesday September 18, 2001.

JAPE is a Java Annotation Patterns Engine. JAPE provides finite state transduction over annotations based on regular expressions. JAPE is a version of CPSL – Common Pattern Specification Language1. This chapter introduces JAPE, and outlines the functionality available. (You can find an excellent tutorial here; thanks to Dhaval Thakker, Taha Osmin and Phil Lakin).

JAPE allows you to recognise regular expressions in annotations on documents. Hang on, there’s something wrong here: a regular language can only describe sets of strings, not graphs, and GATE’s model of annotations is based on graphs. Hmmm. Another way of saying this: typically, regular expressions are applied to character strings, a simple linear sequence of items, but here we are applying them to a much more complex data structure. The result is that in certain cases the matching process is non-deterministic (i.e. the results are dependent on random factors like the addresses at which data is stored in the virtual machine): when there is structure in the graph being matched that requires more than the power of a regular automaton to recognise, JAPE chooses an alternative arbitrarily. However, this is not the bad news that it seems to be, as it turns out that in many useful cases the data stored in annotation graphs in GATE (and other language processing systems) can be regarded as simple sequences, and matched deterministically with regular expressions.

A JAPE grammar consists of a set of phases, each of which consists of a set of pattern/action rules. The phases run sequentially and constitute a cascade of finite state transducers over annotations. The left-hand-side (LHS) of the rules consist of an annotation pattern description. The right-hand-side (RHS) consists of annotation manipulation statements. Annotations matched on the LHS of a rule may be referred to on the RHS by means of labels that are attached to pattern elements. Consider the following example:

Phase: Jobtitle  
Input: Lookup  
Options: control = appelt debug = true  
Rule: Jobtitle1  
 {Lookup.majorType == jobtitle}  
  {Lookup.majorType == jobtitle}  
 :jobtitle.JobTitle = {rule = "JobTitle1"}

The LHS is the part preceding the ‘-->’ and the RHS is the part following it. The LHS specifies a pattern to be matched to the annotated GATE document, whereas the RHS specifies what is to be done to the matched text. In this example, we have a rule entitled ‘Jobtitle1’, which will match text annotated with a ‘Lookup’ annotation with a ‘majorType’ feature of ‘jobtitle’, followed optionally by further text annotated as a ‘Lookup’ with ‘majorType’ of ‘jobtitle’. Once this rule has matched a sequence of text, the entire sequence is allocated a label by the rule, and in this case, the label is ‘jobtitle’. On the RHS, we refer to this span of text using the label given in the LHS; ‘jobtitle’. We say that this text is to be given an annotation of type ‘JobTitle’ and a ‘rule’ feature set to ‘JobTitle1’.

We began the JAPE grammar by giving it a phase name, e.g. ‘Phase: Jobtitle’. JAPE grammars can be cascaded, and so each grammar is considered to be a ‘phase’ (see Section 8.5). Phase names (and rule names) must contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores, and cannot start with a number.

We also provide a list of the annotation types we will use in the grammar. In this case, we say ‘Input: Lookup’ because the only annotation type we use on the LHS are Lookup annotations. If no annotations are defined, all annotations will be matched.

Then, several options are set:

A wide range of functionality can be used with JAPE, making it a very powerful system. Section 8.1 gives an overview of some common LHS tasks. Section 8.2 talks about the various operators available for use on the LHS. After that, Section 8.3 outlines RHS functionality. Section 8.4 talks about priority and Section 8.5 talks about phases. Section 8.6 talks about using Java code on the RHS, which is the main way of increasing the power of the RHS. We conclude the chapter with some miscellaneous JAPE-related topics of interest.

8.1 The Left-Hand Side [#]

The LHS of a JAPE grammar aims to match the text span to be annotated, whilst avoiding undesirable matches. There are various tools available to enable you to do this. This section outlines how you would approach various common tasks on the LHS of your JAPE grammar.

8.1.1 Matching Entire Annotation Types

The simplest pattern in JAPE is to match any single annotation of a particular annotation type. You can match only annotation types you specified in the “Input” line at the top of the file. For example, the following will match any Lookup annotation:


If the annotation type contains anything other than ASCII letters and digits, you need to quote it2:


8.1.2 Using Features and Values

You can specify the features (and values) of an annotation to be matched. Several operators are supported; see Section 8.2 for full details:

In the following rule, the ‘category’ feature of the ‘Token’ annotation is used, along with the ‘equals’ operator:

Rule: Unknown  
Priority: 50  
 {Token.category == NNP}  
 :unknown.Unknown = {kind = "PN", rule = Unknown}

As with the annotation type, if you want to match a feature name that contains anything other than letters or digits, it must be quoted

 {element."xsi:type" == "xs:string"}

8.1.3 Using Meta-Properties [#]

In addition to referencing annotation features, JAPE allows access to other ‘meta-properties’ of an annotation. This is done by using an ‘@’ symbol rather than a ‘.’ symbol after the annotation type name. The three meta-properties that are built in are:

{X@length > 5}:label-->:label.New = {}

8.1.4 Building complex patterns from simple patterns [#]

So far we have seen how to build a simple pattern that matches a single annotation, optionally with a constraint on one of its features or meta-properties, but to do anything useful with JAPE you will need to combine these simple patterns into more complex ones.

Sequences, alternatives and grouping

Patterns can be matched in sequence, for example:

Rule: InLocation  
  {Token.category == "IN"}  

matches a Token annotation of category “IN” followed by a Location annotation. Note that “followed by” in JAPE depends on the annotation types specified in the Input line – the above pattern matches a Token annotation and a Location annotation provided there are no intervening annotations of a type listed in the Input line. The Token and Location will not necessarily be immediately adjacent (they would probably be separated by an intervening space). In particular the pattern would not match if “SpaceToken” were specified in the Input line.

The vertical bar “|” is used to denote alternatives. For example

Rule: InOrAdjective  
  {Token.category == "IN"} | {Token.category == "JJ"}  

would match either a Token whose category is “IN” or one whose category is “JJ”.

Parentheses are used to group patterns:

Rule: InLocation  
  ({Token.category == "IN"} | {Token.category == "JJ"})  

matches a Token with one or other of the two category values, followed by a Location, whereas:

Rule: InLocation  
  {Token.category == "IN"} |  
  ( {Token.category == "JJ"}  
    {Location} )  

would match either an “IN” Token or a sequence of “JJ” Token and Location.


JAPE also provides repetition operators to allow a pattern in parentheses to be optional (?), or to match zero or more (*), one or more (+) or some specified number of times. In the following example, you can see the ‘’ and ‘?’ operators being used:

Rule: LocOrganization  
Priority: 50  
 ({Lookup.majorType == location} |  
  {Lookup.majorType == country_adj})  
{Lookup.majorType == organization}  
({Lookup.majorType == organization})?  
:orgName -->  
  :orgName.TempOrganization = {kind = "orgName", rule=LocOrganization}

Range Notation [#]

Repetition ranges are specified using square brackets.


matches one to three Tokens in a row.

({Token.kind == number})[3]

matches exactly 3 number Tokens in a row.

8.1.5 Matching a Simple Text String

JAPE operates over annotations so it cannot match strings of text in the document directly. To match a string you need to match an annotation that covers that string, typically a “Token”. The GATE Tokeniser adds a “string” feature to all the Token annotations containing the string that the Token covers, so you can use this (or the @string meta property) to match text in your document.

{Token.string == "of"}

The following grammar shows a sequence of strings being matched.

Phase: UrlPre  
Input:  Token SpaceToken  
Options: control = appelt  
Rule: Urlpre  
( (({Token.string == "http"} |  
  {Token.string == "ftp"})  
 {Token.string == ":"}  
 {Token.string == "/"}  
         {Token.string == "/"}  
        ) |  
({Token.string == "www"}  
         {Token.string == "."}  
:urlpre.UrlPre = {rule = "UrlPre"}

Since we are matching annotations and not text, you must be careful that the strings you ask for are in fact single tokens. In the example above, {Token.string == "://"} would never match (assuming the default ANNIE Tokeniser) as the three characters are treated as separate tokens.

8.1.6 Using Templates [#]

In cases where a grammar contains many similar or identical strings or other literal values, JAPE supports the concept of templates. A template is a named value declared in the grammar file, similar to a variable in Java or other programming languages, which can be referenced anywhere where a normal string literal, boolean or numeric value could be used, on the left- or right-hand side of a rule. In the simplest case templates can be constants:

Template: source = "Interesting entity finder"  
Template: threshold = 0.6

The templates can be used in rules by providing their names in square brackets:

Rule: InterestingLocation  
  {Location.score >= [threshold]}  
:loc.Entity = { type = Location, source = [source] }

The JAPE grammar parser substitutes the template values for their references when the grammar is parsed. Thus the example rule is equivalent to

Rule: InterestingLocation  
  {Location.score >= 0.6}  
:loc.Entity = { type = Location,  
  source = "Interesting entity finder" }

The advantage of using templates is that if there are many rules in the grammar that all reference the threshold template then it is possible to change the threshold for all rules by simply changing the template definition.

The name “template” stems from the fact that templates whose value is a string can contain parameters, specified using ${name} notation:

Template: url = "http://gate.ac.uk/${path}"

When a template containing parameters is referenced, values for the parameters may be specified:

:anchor.Reference = {  
  page = [url path = "userguide"] }

This is equivalent to page = "http://gate.ac.uk/userguide". Multiple parameter value assignments are separated by commas, for example:

Template: proton =  
{Lookup.class == [proton mod="km", n="Mention"]}  
// equivalent to  
// {Lookup.class ==  
//    "http://proton.semanticweb.org/2005/04/protonkm#Mention"}

The parser will report an error if a value is specified for a parameter that is not declared by the referenced template, for example [proton module="km"] would not be permitted in the above example.

Advanced template usage

If a template contains parameters for which values are not provided when the template is referenced, the parameter placeholders are passed through unchanged. Combined with the fact that the value for a template definition can itself be a reference to a previously-defined template, this allows for idioms like the following:

Template: proton =  
Template: pkm = [proton mod="km"]  
Template: ptop = [proton mod="t"]  
({Lookup.class == [ptop n="Person"]}):look  
:look.Mention = { class = [pkm n="Mention"], of = "Person"}

(This example is inspired by the ontology-aware JAPE matching mode described in section 14.8.)

In a multi-phase JAPE grammar, templates defined in earlier phases may be referenced in later phases. This makes it possible to declare constants (such as the PROTON URIs above) in one place and reference them throughout a complex grammar.

8.1.7 Multiple Pattern/Action Pairs

It is also possible to have more than one pattern and corresponding action, as shown in the rule below. On the LHS, each pattern is enclosed in a set of round brackets and has a unique label; on the RHS, each label is associated with an action. In this example, the Lookup annotation is labelled ‘jobtitle’ and is given the new annotation JobTitle; the TempPerson annotation is labelled ‘person’ and is given the new annotation ‘Person’.

Rule: PersonJobTitle  
Priority: 20  
 {Lookup.majorType == jobtitle}  
    :jobtitle.JobTitle = {rule = "PersonJobTitle"},  
    :person.Person = {kind = "personName", rule = "PersonJobTitle"}

Similarly, labelled patterns can be nested, as in the example below, where the whole pattern is annotated as Person, but within the pattern, the jobtitle is annotated as JobTitle.

Rule: PersonJobTitle2  
Priority: 20  
 {Lookup.majorType == jobtitle}  
    :jobtitle.JobTitle = {rule = "PersonJobTitle"},  
    :person.Person = {kind = "personName", rule = "PersonJobTitle"}

8.1.8 LHS Macros [#]

Macros allow you to create a definition that can then be used multiple times in your JAPE rules. In the following JAPE grammar, we have a cascade of macros used. The macro ‘AMOUNT_NUMBER’ makes use of the macros ‘MILLION_BILLION’ and ‘NUMBER_WORDS’, and the rule ‘MoneyCurrencyUnit’ then makes use of ‘AMOUNT_NUMBER’:

Phase: Number  
Input: Token Lookup  
Options: control = appelt  
({Token.string == "m"}|  
{Token.string == "million"}|  
{Token.string == "b"}|  
{Token.string == "billion"}|  
{Token.string == "bn"}|  
{Token.string == "k"}|  
{Token.string == "K"}  
 (({Lookup.majorType == number}  
   ({Token.string == "-"})?  
   {Lookup.majorType == number}  
   {Token.string == "and"}  
 ({Lookup.majorType == number}  
  ({Token.string == "-"})?  
   {Lookup.majorType == number}  
(({Token.kind == number}  
  (({Token.string == ","}|  
    {Token.string == "."}  
   {Token.kind == number}  
Rule: MoneyCurrencyUnit  
      ({Lookup.majorType == currency_unit})  
:number -->  
  :number.Money = {kind = "number", rule = "MoneyCurrencyUnit"}

8.1.9 Multi-Constraint Statements [#]

In the examples we have seen so far, most statements have contained only one constraint. For example, in this statement, the ‘category’ of ‘Token’ must equal ‘NNP’:

Rule: Unknown  
Priority: 50  
 {Token.category == NNP}  
 :unknown.Unknown = {kind = "PN", rule = Unknown}

However, it is equally acceptable to have multiple constraints in a statement. In this example, the ‘majorType’ of ‘Lookup’ must be ‘name’ and the ‘minorType’ must be ‘surname’:

Rule: Surname  
  {Lookup.majorType == "name",  
   Lookup.minorType == "surname"}  
 :surname.Surname = {}

Multiple constraints on the same annotation type must all be satisfied by the same annotation in order for the pattern to match.

The constraints may refer to different annotations, and for the pattern as a whole to match the constraints must be satisfied by annotations that start at the same location in the document. In this example, in addition to the constraints on the ‘majorType’ and ‘minorType’ of ‘Lookup’, we also have a constraint on the ‘string’ of ‘Token’:

Rule: SurnameStartingWithDe  
  {Token.string == "de",  
   Lookup.majorType == "name",  
   Lookup.minorType == "surname"}  
 :de.Surname = {prefix = "de"}

This rule would match anywhere where a Token with string ‘de’ and a Lookup with majorType ‘name’ and minorType ‘surname’ start at the same offset in the text. Both the Lookup and Token annotations would be included in the :de binding, so the Surname annotation generated would span the longer of the two. As before, constraints on the same annotation type must be satisfied by a single annotation, so in this example there must be a single Lookup matching both the major and minor types – the rule would not match if there were two different lookups at the same location, one of them satisfying each constraint.

8.1.10 Using Context [#]

Context can be dealt with in the grammar rules in the following way. The pattern to be annotated is always enclosed by a set of round brackets. If preceding context is to be included in the rule, this is placed before this set of brackets. This context is described in exactly the same way as the pattern to be matched. If context following the pattern needs to be included, it is placed after the label given to the annotation. Context is used where a pattern should only be recognised if it occurs in a certain situation, but the context itself does not form part of the pattern to be annotated.

For example, the following rule for Time (assuming an appropriate macro for ‘year’) would mean that a year would only be recognised if it occurs preceded by the words ‘in’ or ‘by’:

Rule: YearContext1  
({Token.string == "in"}|  
 {Token.string == "by"}  
:date -->  
 :date.Timex = {kind = "date", rule = "YearContext1"}

Similarly, the following rule (assuming an appropriate macro for ‘email’) would mean that an email address would only be recognised if it occurred inside angled brackets (which would not themselves form part of the entity):

Rule: Emailaddress1  
({Token.string == ‘<’})  
({Token.string == ‘>’})  
 :email.Address= {kind = "email", rule = "Emailaddress1"}

It is important to remember that context is consumed by the rule, so it cannot be reused in another rule within the same phase. So, for example, right context for one rule cannot be used as left context for another rule.

8.1.11 Negation [#]

All the examples in the preceding sections involve constraints that require the presence of certain annotations to match. JAPE also supports ‘negative’ constraints which specify the absence of annotations. A negative constraint is signalled in the grammar by a ‘!’ character.

Negative constraints are used in combination with positive ones to constrain the locations at which the positive constraint can match. For example:

Rule: PossibleName  
 {Token.orth == "upperInitial", !Lookup}  
 :name.PossibleName = {}

This rule would match any uppercase-initial Token, but only where there is no Lookup annotation starting at the same location. The general rule is that a negative constraint matches at any location where the corresponding positive constraint would not match. Negative constraints do not contribute any annotations to the bindings - in the example above, the :name binding would contain only the Token annotation3.

Any constraint can be negated, for example:

Rule: SurnameNotStartingWithDe  
 {Surname, !Token.string ==~ "[Dd]e"}  
 :name.NotDe = {}

This would match any Surname annotation that does not start at the same place as a Token with the string ‘de’ or ‘De’. Note that this is subtly different from {Surname, Token.string !=~ "[Dd]e"}, as the second form requires a Token annotation to be present, whereas the first form (!Token...) will match if there is no Token annotation at all at this location.4

As with positive constraints, multiple negative constraints on the same annotation type must all match the same annotation in order for the overall pattern match to be blocked. For example:

{Name, !Lookup.majorType == "person", !Lookup.minorType == "female"}

would match a “Name” annotation, but only if it does not start at the same location as a Lookup with majorType “person” and minorType “female”. A Lookup with majorType “person” and minorType “male” would not block the pattern from matching. However negated constraints on different annotation types are independent:

{Person, !Organization, !Location}

would match a Person annotation, but only if there is no Organization annotation and no Location annotation starting at the same place.

Note Prior to GATE 7.0, negated constraints on the same annotation type were considered independent, i.e. in the Name example above any Lookup of majorType “person” would block the match, irrespective of its minorType. If you have existing grammars that depend on this behaviour you should add negationGrouping = false to the Options line at the top of the JAPE phase in question.

Although JAPE provides an operator to look for the absence of a single annotation type, there is no support for a general negative operator to prevent a rule from firing if a particular sequence of annotations is found. One solution to this is to create a ‘negative rule’ which has higher priority than the matching ‘positive rule’. The style of matching must be Appelt for this to work. To create a negative rule, simply state on the LHS of the rule the pattern that should NOT be matched, and on the RHS do nothing. In this way, the positive rule cannot be fired if the negative pattern matches, and vice versa, which has the same end result as using a negative operator. A useful variation for developers is to create a dummy annotation on the RHS of the negative rule, rather than to do nothing, and to give the dummy annotation a rule feature. In this way, it is obvious that the negative rule has fired. Alternatively, use Java code on the RHS to print a message when the rule fires. An example of a matching negative and positive rule follows. Here, we want a rule which matches a surname followed by a comma and a set of initials. But we want to specify that the initials shouldn’t have the POS category PRP (personal pronoun). So we specify a negative rule that will fire if the PRP category exists, thereby preventing the positive rule from firing.

Rule: NotPersonReverse  
Priority: 20  
// we don’t want to match ’Jones, I’  
 {Token.category == NNP}  
 {Token.string == ","}  
 {Token.category == PRP}  
Rule:   PersonReverse  
Priority: 5  
// we want to match ‘Jones, F.W.’  
 {Token.category == NNP}  
 {Token.string == ","}  
:person -->

8.1.12 Escaping Special Characters

To specify a single or double quote as a string, precede it with a backslash, e.g.


will match a double quote. For other special characters, such as ‘$’, enclose it in double quotes, e.g.

{Token.category == "PRP$"}

8.2 LHS Operators in Detail [#]

This section gives more detail on the behaviour of the matching operators used on the left-hand side of JAPE rules.

Matching operators are used to specify how matching must take place between a JAPE pattern and an annotation in the document. Equality (‘==’ and ‘!=’) and comparison (‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’ and ‘>’) operators can be used, as can regular expression matching and contextual operators (‘contains’ and ‘within’).

8.2.1 Equality Operators

The equality operators are ‘==’ and ‘!=’. The basic operator in JAPE is equality. {Lookup.majorType == "person"} matches a Lookup annotation whose majorType feature has the value ‘person’. Similarly {Lookup.majorType != "person"} would match any Lookup whose majorType feature does not have the value ‘person’. If a feature is missing it is treated as if it had an empty string as its value, so this would also match a Lookup annotation that did not have a majorType feature at all.

Certain type coercions are performed:

The != operator matches exactly when == doesn’t.

8.2.2 Comparison Operators

The comparison operators are ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’ and ‘>’. Comparison operators have their expected meanings, for example {Token.length > 3} matches a Token annotation whose length attribute is an integer greater than 3. The behaviour of the operators depends on the type of the constraint’s attribute:

8.2.3 Regular Expression Operators [#]

The regular expression operators are ‘=’, ‘==’, ‘!’ and ‘!=’. These operators match regular expressions. {Token.string =~ "[Dd]ogs"} matches a Token annotation whose string feature contains a substring that matches the regular expression [Dd]ogs, using !~ would match if the feature value does not contain a substring that matches the regular expression. The ==~ and !=~ operators are like =~ and !~ respectively, but require that the whole value match (or not match) the regular expression5. As with ==, missing features are treated as if they had the empty string as their value, so the constraint {Identifier.name ==~ "(?i)[aeiou]*"} would match an Identifier annotation which does not have a name feature, as well as any whose name contains only vowels.

The matching uses the standard Java regular expression library, so full details of the pattern syntax can be found in the JavaDoc documentation for java.util.regex.Pattern. There are a few specific points to note:

8.2.4 Contextual Operators [#]

The contextual Operators are ‘contains’ and ‘within’, and their complements ‘notContains’ and ‘notWithin’. These operators match annotations within the context of other annotations.

For any of these operators, the right-hand value (Y in the above examples) can be a full constraint itself. For example {X contains {Y.foo==bar}} is also accepted. The operators can be used in a multi-constraint statement (see Section 8.1.9) just like any of the traditional ones, so {X.f1 != "something", X contains {Y.foo==bar}} is valid.

8.2.5 Custom Operators [#]

It is possible to add additional custom operators without modifying the JAPE language. There are init-time parameters to Transducer so that additional annotation ‘meta-property’ accessors and custom operators can be referenced at runtime. To add a custom operator, write a class that implements gate.jape.constraint.ConstraintPredicate, make the class available to GATE (either by putting the class in a JAR file in the lib directory or by putting the class in a plugin and loading the plugin), and then list that class name for the Transducer’s ‘operators’ property. Similarly, to add a custom ‘meta-property’ accessor, write a class that implements gate.jape.constraint.AnnotationAccessor, and then list that class name in the Transducer’s ‘annotationAccessors’ property.

8.3 The Right-Hand Side [#]

The RHS of the rule contains information about the annotation to be created/manipulated. Information about the text span to be annotated is transferred from the LHS of the rule using the label just described, and annotated with the entity type (which follows it). Finally, attributes and their corresponding values are added to the annotation. Alternatively, the RHS of the rule can contain Java code to create or manipulate annotations, see Section 8.6.

8.3.1 A Simple Example

In the simple example below, the pattern described will be awarded an annotation of type ‘Enamex’ (because it is an entity name). This annotation will have the attribute ‘kind’, with value ‘location’, and the attribute ‘rule’, with value ‘GazLocation’. (The purpose of the ‘rule’ attribute is simply to ease the process of manual rule validation).

Rule: GazLocation  
{Lookup.majorType == location}  
:location -->  
 :location.Enamex = {kind="location", rule=GazLocation}

To create annotations whose type or features contain characters other than ASCII letters and digits, quote them appropriately:

 :example."New annotation" = {"entity type"="location"}

8.3.2 Copying Feature Values from the LHS to the RHS

JAPE provides limited support for copying annotation feature values from the left to the right hand side of a rule, for example:

Rule: LocationType  
 {Lookup.majorType == location}  
    :loc.Location = {rule = "LocationType", type = :loc.Lookup.minorType}

This will set the ‘type’ feature of the generated location to the value of the ‘minorType’ feature from the ‘Lookup’ annotation bound to the loc label. If the Lookup has no minorType, the Location will have no ‘type’ feature. The behaviour of newFeat = :bind.Type.oldFeat is:

Notice that the behaviour is deliberately underspecified if there is more than one Type annotation in bind. If you need more control, or if you want to copy several feature values from the same left hand side annotation, you should consider using Java code on the right hand side of your rule (see Section 8.6).

As usual, if the annotation type or feature contains any unusual characters then they can be quoted (type = :loc."Some annotation"."feature 2")

In addition to copying feature values you can also copy meta-properties (see section 8.1.3):

Rule: LocationType  
 {Lookup.majorType == location}  
    :loc.Location = {rule = "LocationType", text = :loc.Lookup@cleanString}

The syntax “feature = :label.AnnotationType@string” assigns to the specified feature the text covered by the annotation of this type in the binding with this label. The @cleanString and @length properties are similar. As before, if there is more than one annotation of the given type is bound to the same label then one of them will be chosen arbitrarily.

The “.AnnotationType” may be omitted, for example

Rule: LocationType  
 {Token.category == IN}  
 {Lookup.majorType == location}  
    :loc.InLocation = {rule = "InLoc", text = :loc@string,  
                       size = :loc@length}

In this case the string, cleanString or length is that covered by the whole label, i.e. the same span as would be covered by an annotation created with “:label.NewAnnotation = {}”.

8.3.3 Optional or Empty Labels [#]

The JAPE compiler will throw an exception if the RHS of a rule uses a label missing from the LHS. However, you can use labels from optional parts of the LHS.

Rule: NP  
( (({Token.category == "DT"}):det)?  
  (({Token.category ==~ "JJ.*"})*):adjs  
  (({Token.category ==~ "NN.*"})+):noun  
:det.Determiner = {},  
:adjs.Adjectives = {},  
:noun.Nouns = {},  
:np.NP = {}

This rule can match a sequence consisting of only one Token whose category feature (POS tag) starts with NN; in this case the :det binding is null and the :adjs binding is an empty annotation set, and both of them are silently ignored when the RHS of the rule is executed.

8.3.4 RHS Macros

Macros, first introduced in the context of the left-hand side (Section 8.1.8) can also be used on the RHS of rules. In this case, the label (which matches the label on the LHS of the rule) should be included in the macro. Below we give an example of using a macro on the RHS:

Macro: UNDERSCORES_OKAY          // separate  
:match                                              // lines  
    AnnotationSet matchedAnns = bindings.get("match");  
    int begOffset = matchedAnns.firstNode().getOffset().intValue();  
    int endOffset = matchedAnns.lastNode().getOffset().intValue();  
    String mydocContent = doc.getContent().toString();  
    String matchedString = mydocContent.substring(begOffset, endOffset);  
    FeatureMap newFeatures = Factory.newFeatureMap();  
    if(matchedString.equals("Spanish"))     {  
     newFeatures.put("myrule",  "Lower");  
    else    {  
     newFeatures.put("myrule",  "Upper");  
    newFeatures.put("quality",  "1");  
    outputAS.add(matchedAnns.firstNode(), matchedAnns.lastNode(),  
                              "Spanish_mark", newFeatures);  
Rule: Lower  
    ({Token.string == "Spanish"})  
:match)-->UNDERSCORES_OKAY   // no label here, only macro name  
Rule: Upper  
    ({Token.string == "SPANISH"})  
:match)-->UNDERSCORES_OKAY   // no label here, only macro name  

8.4 Use of Priority [#]

Each grammar has one of 5 possible control styles: ‘brill’, ‘all’, ‘first’, ‘once’ and ‘appelt’. This is specified at the beginning of the grammar. If no control style is specified, the default is brill, but we would recommend always specifying a control style for sake of clarity. Figure 8.1 shows the different styles and how they can be interpreted.


Figure 8.1: JAPE Matching Styles

The Brill style means that when more than one rule matches the same region of the document, they are all fired. The result of this is that a segment of text could be allocated more than one entity type, and that no priority ordering is necessary. Brill will execute all matching rules starting from a given position and will advance and continue matching from the position in the document where the longest match finishes.

The ‘all’ style is similar to Brill, in that it will also execute all matching rules, but the matching will continue from the next offset to the current one.

For example, where [] are annotations of type Ann

[aaa[bbb]] [ccc[ddd]]

then a rule matching {Ann} and creating {Ann-2} for the same spans will generate:

BRILL: [aaabbb] [cccddd]  
ALL: [aaa[bbb]] [ccc[ddd]]

With the ‘first’ style, a rule fires for the first match that’s found. This makes it inappropriate for rules that end in ‘+’ or ‘?’ or ‘*’. Once a match is found the rule is fired; it does not attempt to get a longer match (as the other two styles do).

With the ‘once’ style, once a rule has fired, the whole JAPE phase exits after the first match.

With the appelt style, only one rule can be fired for the same region of text, according to a set of priority rules. Priority operates in the following way.

  1. From all the rules that match a region of the document starting at some point X, the one which matches the longest region is fired.
  2. If more than one rule matches the same region, the one with the highest priority is fired
  3. If there is more than one rule with the same priority, the one defined earlier in the grammar is fired.

An optional priority declaration is associated with each rule, which should be a positive integer. The higher the number, the greater the priority. By default (if the priority declaration is missing) all rules have the priority -1 (i.e. the lowest priority).

For example, the following two rules for location could potentially match the same text.

Rule:   Location1  
Priority: 25  
 ({Lookup.majorType == loc_key, Lookup.minorType == pre}  
 {Lookup.majorType == location}  
  {Lookup.majorType == loc_key, Lookup.minorType == post})?  
:locName -->  
  :locName.Location = {kind = "location", rule = "Location1"}  
Rule: GazLocation  
Priority: 20  
  ({Lookup.majorType == location}):location  
  -->   :location.Name = {kind = "location", rule=GazLocation}

Assume we have the text ‘China sea’, that ‘China’ is defined in the gazetteer as ‘location’, and that sea is defined as a ‘loc_key’ of type ‘post’. In this case, rule Location1 would apply, because it matches a longer region of text starting at the same point (‘China sea’, as opposed to just ‘China’). Now assume we just have the text ‘China’. In this case, both rules could be fired, but the priority for Location1 is highest, so it will take precedence. In this case, since both rules produce the same annotation, so it is not so important which rule is fired, but this is not always the case.

One important point of which to be aware is that prioritisation only operates within a single grammar. Although we could make priority global by having all the rules in a single grammar, this is not ideal due to other considerations. Instead, we currently combine all the rules for each entity type in a single grammar. An index file (main.jape) is used to define which grammars should be used, and in which order they should be fired.

Note also that depending on the control style, firing a rule may ‘consume’ that part of the text, making it unavailable to be matched by other rules. This can be a problem for example if one rule uses context to make it more specific, and that context is then missed by later rules, having been consumed due to use of for example the ‘Brill’ control style. ‘All’, on the other hand, would allow it to be matched.

Using priority to resolve ambiguity

If the Appelt style of matching is selected, rule priority operates in the following way.

  1. Length of rule – a rule matching a longer pattern will fire first.
  2. Explicit priority declaration. Use the optional Priority function to assign a ranking. The higher the number, the higher the priority. If no priority is stated, the default is -1.
  3. Order of rules. In the case where the above two factors do not distinguish between two rules, the order in which the rules are stated applies. Rules stated first have higher priority.

Because priority can only operate within a single grammar, this can be a problem for dealing with ambiguity issues. One solution to this is to create a temporary set of annotations in initial grammars, and then manipulate this temporary set in one or more later phases (for example, by converting temporary annotations from different phases into permanent annotations in a single final phase). See the default set of grammars for an example of this.

If two possible ways of matching are found for the same text string, a conflict can arise. Normally this is handled by the priority mechanism (test length, rule priority and finally rule precedence). If all these are equal, Jape will simply choose a match at random and fire it. This leads ot non-deterministic behaviour, which should be avoided.

8.5 Using Phases Sequentially [#]

A JAPE grammar consists of a set of sequential phases. The list of phases is specified (in the order in which they are to be run) in a file, conventionally named main.jape. When loading the grammar into GATE, it is only necessary to load this main file – the phases will then be loaded automatically. It is, however, possible to omit this main file, and just load the phases individually, but this is much more time-consuming. The grammar phases do not need to be located in the same directory as the main file, but if they are not, the relative path should be specified for each phase.

One of the main reasons for using a sequence of phases is that a pattern can only be used once in each phase, but it can be reused in a later phase. Combined with the fact that priority can only operate within a single grammar, this can be exploited to help deal with ambiguity issues.

The solution currently adopted is to write a grammar phase for each annotation type, or for each combination of similar annotation types, and to create temporary annotations. These temporary annotations are accessed by later grammar phases, and can be manipulated as necessary to resolve ambiguity or to merge consecutive annotations. The temporary annotations can either be removed later, or left and simply ignored.

Generally, annotations about which we are more certain are created earlier on. Annotations which are more dubious may be created temporarily, and then manipulated by later phases as more information becomes available.

An annotation generated in one phase can be referred to in a later phase, in exactly the same way as any other kind of annotation (by specifying the name of the annotation within curly braces). The features and values can be referred to or omitted, as with all other annotations. Make sure that if the Input specification is used in the grammar, that the annotation to be referred to is included in the list.

8.6 Using Java Code on the RHS [#]

The RHS of a JAPE rule can consist of any Java code. This is useful for removing temporary annotations and for percolating and manipulating features from previous annotations. In the example below

The first rule below shows a rule which matches a first person name, e.g. ‘Fred’, and adds a gender feature depending on the value of the minorType from the gazetteer list in which the name was found. We first get the bindings associated with the person label (i.e. the Lookup annotation). We then create a new annotation called ‘personAnn’ which contains this annotation, and create a new FeatureMap to enable us to add features. Then we get the minorType features (and its value) from the personAnn annotation (in this case, the feature will be ‘gender’ and the value will be ‘male’), and add this value to a new feature called ‘gender’. We create another feature ‘rule’ with value ‘FirstName’. Finally, we add all the features to a new annotation ‘FirstPerson’ which attaches to the same nodes as the original ‘person’ binding.

Note that inputAS and outputAS represent the input and output annotation set. Normally, these would be the same (by default when using ANNIE, these will be the ‘Default’ annotation set). Since the user is at liberty to change the input and output annotation sets in the parameters of the JAPE transducer at runtime, it cannot be guaranteed that the input and output annotation sets will be the same, and therefore we must specify the annotation set we are referring to.

Rule: FirstName  
 {Lookup.majorType == person_first}  
AnnotationSet person = bindings.get("person");  
Annotation personAnn = person.iterator().next();  
FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();  
features.put("gender", personAnn.getFeatures().get("minorType"));  
features.put("rule", "FirstName");  
outputAS.add(person.firstNode(), person.lastNode(), "FirstPerson",  

The second rule (contained in a subsequent grammar phase) makes use of annotations produced by the first rule described above. Instead of percolating the minorType from the annotation produced by the gazetteer lookup, this time it percolates the feature from the annotation produced by the previous grammar rule. So here it gets the ‘gender’ feature value from the ‘FirstPerson’ annotation, and adds it to a new feature (again called ‘gender’ for convenience), which is added to the new annotation (in outputAS) ‘TempPerson’. At the end of this rule, the existing input annotations (from inputAS) are removed because they are no longer needed. Note that in the previous rule, the existing annotations were not removed, because it is possible they might be needed later on in another grammar phase.

Rule: GazPersonFirst  
AnnotationSet person = bindings.get("person");  
Annotation personAnn = person.iterator().next();  
FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();  
features.put("gender", personAnn.getFeatures().get("gender"));  
features.put("rule", "GazPersonFirst");  
outputAS.add(person.firstNode(), person.lastNode(), "TempPerson",  

You can combine Java blocks and normal assignments (separating each block or assignment from the next with a comma), so the above RHS could be more simply expressed as

:person.TempPerson = { gender = :person.FirstPerson.gender,  
                       rule = "GazPersonFirst" },  

8.6.1 A More Complex Example

The example below is more complicated, because both the title and the first name (if present) may have a gender feature. There is a possibility of conflict since some first names are ambiguous, or women are given male names (e.g. Charlie). Some titles are also ambiguous, such as ‘Dr’, in which case they are not marked with a gender feature. We therefore take the gender of the title in preference to the gender of the first name, if it is present. So, on the RHS, we first look for the gender of the title by getting all Title annotations which have a gender feature attached. If a gender feature is present, we add the value of this feature to a new gender feature on the Person annotation we are going to create. If no gender feature is present, we look for the gender of the first name by getting all firstPerson annotations which have a gender feature attached, and adding the value of this feature to a new gender feature on the Person annotation we are going to create. If there is no firstPerson annotation and the title has no gender information, then we simply create the Person annotation with no gender feature.

Rule: PersonTitle  
Priority: 35  
/* allows Mr. Jones, Mr Fred Jones etc. */  
:person -->  
FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();  
AnnotationSet personSet = bindings.get("person");  
// get all Title annotations that have a gender feature  
 HashSet fNames = new HashSet();  
    AnnotationSet personTitle = personSet.get("Title", fNames);  
// if the gender feature exists  
 if (personTitle != null && personTitle.size()>0)  
  Annotation personAnn = personTitle.iterator().next();  
  features.put("gender", personAnn.getFeatures().get("gender"));  
  // get all firstPerson annotations that have a gender feature  
    AnnotationSet firstPerson = personSet.get("FirstPerson", fNames);  
  if (firstPerson != null && firstPerson.size()>0)  
  // create a new gender feature and add the value from firstPerson  
  Annotation personAnn = firstPerson.iterator().next();  
  features.put("gender", personAnn.getFeatures().get("gender"));  
  // create some other features  
  features.put("kind", "personName");  
  features.put("rule", "PersonTitle");  
  // create a Person annotation and add the features we’ve created  
outputAS.add(personSet.firstNode(), personSet.lastNode(), "TempPerson",  

8.6.2 Adding a Feature to the Document [#]

This is useful when using conditional controllers, where we only want to fire a particular resource under certain conditions. We first test the document to see whether it fulfils these conditions or not, and attach a feature to the document accordingly.

In the example below, we test whether the document contains an annotation of type ‘message’. In emails, there is often an annotation of this type (produced by the document format analysis when the document is loaded in GATE). Note that annotations produced by document format analysis are placed automatically in the ‘Original markups’ annotation set, so we must ensure that when running the processing resource containing this grammar that we specify the Original markups set as the input annotation set. It does not matter what we specify as the output annotation set, because the annotation we produce is going to be attached to the document and not to an output annotation set. In the example, if an annotation of type ‘message’ is found, we add the feature ‘genre’ with value ‘email’ to the document.

 Rule: Email  
 Priority: 150  
 doc.getFeatures().put("genre", "email");  

8.6.3 Finding the Tokens of a Matched Annotation [#]

In this section we will demonstrate how by using Java on the right-hand side one can find all Token annotations that are covered by a matched annotation, e.g., a Person or an Organization. This is useful if one wants to transfer some information from the matched annotations to the tokens. For example, to add to the Tokens a feature indicating whether or not they are covered by a named entity annotation deduced by the rule-based system. This feature can then be given as a feature to a learning PR, e.g. the HMM. Similarly, one can add a feature to all tokens saying which rule in the rule based system did the match, the idea being that some rules might be more reliable than others. Finally, yet another useful feature might be the length of the coreference chain in which the matched entity is involved, if such exists.

The example below is one of the pre-processing JAPE grammars used by the HMM application. To inspect all JAPE grammars, see the muse/applications/hmm directory in the distribution.

Phase:  NEInfo  
Input: Token Organization Location Person  
Options: control = appelt  
Rule:   NEInfo  
({Organization} | {Person} | {Location}):entity  
  //get the annotation set  
  AnnotationSet annSet = bindings.get("entity");  
  //get the only annotation from the set  
  Annotation entityAnn = annSet.iterator().next();  
  AnnotationSet tokenAS = inputAS.get("Token",  
  List<Annotation> tokens = new ArrayList<Annotation>(tokenAS);  
  //if no tokens to match, do nothing  
  if (tokens.isEmpty())  
  Collections.sort(tokens, new gate.util.OffsetComparator());  
  Annotation curToken=null;  
  for (int i=0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {  
    curToken = tokens.get(i);  
    String ruleInfo = (String) entityAnn.getFeatures().get("rule1");  
    String NMRuleInfo = (String) entityAnn.getFeatures().get("NMRule");  
    if ( ruleInfo != null) {  
      curToken.getFeatures().put("rule_NE_kind", entityAnn.getType());  
      curToken.getFeatures().put("NE_rule_id", ruleInfo);  
    else if (NMRuleInfo != null) {  
      curToken.getFeatures().put("rule_NE_kind", entityAnn.getType());  
      curToken.getFeatures().put("NE_rule_id", "orthomatcher");  
    else {  
      curToken.getFeatures().put("rule_NE_kind", "None");  
      curToken.getFeatures().put("NE_rule_id", "None");  
    List matchesList = (List) entityAnn.getFeatures().get("matches");  
    if (matchesList != null) {  
      if (matchesList.size() == 2)  
        curToken.getFeatures().put("coref_chain_length", "2");  
      else if (matchesList.size() > 2 && matchesList.size() < 5)  
        curToken.getFeatures().put("coref_chain_length", "3-4");  
        curToken.getFeatures().put("coref_chain_length", "5-more");  
      curToken.getFeatures().put("coref_chain_length", "0");  
Rule:   TokenNEInfo  
  //get the annotation set  
  AnnotationSet annSet = bindings.get("entity");  
  //get the only annotation from the set  
  Annotation entityAnn = annSet.iterator().next();  
  entityAnn.getFeatures().put("rule_NE_kind", "None");  
  entityAnn.getFeatures().put("NE_rule_id", "None");  
  entityAnn.getFeatures().put("coref_chain_length", "0");  

8.6.4 Using Named Blocks [#]

For the common case where a Java block refers just to the annotations from a single left-hand-side binding, JAPE provides a shorthand notation:

Rule: RemoveDoneFlag  
  {Instance.flag == "done"}  
  Annotation theInstance = instAnnots.iterator().next();  

This rule is equivalent to the following:

Rule: RemoveDoneFlag  
  {Instance.flag == "done"}  
  AnnotationSet instAnnots = bindings.get("inst");  
  if(instAnnots != null && instAnnots.size() != 0) {  
    Annotation theInstance = instAnnots.iterator().next();  

A label :<label> on a Java block creates a local variable <label>Annots within the Java block which is the AnnotationSet bound to the <label> label. Also, the Java code in the block is only executed if there is at least one annotation bound to the label, so you do not need to check this condition in your own code. Of course, if you need more flexibility, e.g. to perform some action in the case where the label is not bound, you will need to use an unlabelled block and perform the bindings.get() yourself.

8.6.5 Java RHS Overview [#]

When a JAPE grammar is parsed, a Jape parser creates action classes for all Java RHSs in the grammar. (one action class per RHS) RHS Java code will be embedded as a body of the method doit and will work in context of this method. When a particular rule is fired, the method doit will be executed.

Method doit is specified by the interface gate.jape.RhsAction. Each action class implements this interface and is generated with roughly the following template:

1import java.io.*; 
2import java.util.*; 
3import gate.*; 
4import gate.jape.*; 
5import gate.creole.ontology.*; 
6import gate.annotation.*; 
7import gate.util.*; 
8// Import: block code will be embedded here 
9class <AutogeneratedActionClassName> 
10         implements java.io.Serializable, gate.jape.RhsAction { 
11  private ActionContext ctx; 
12  public ActionContext getActionContext() { ... } 
13  public String ruleName() { .. } 
14  public String phaseName() { .. } 
15    public void doit( 
16        gate.Document doc, 
17        java.util.Map<java.lang.String, gate.AnnotationSet> bindings, 
18        gate.AnnotationSet inputAS, 
19        gate.AnnotationSet outputAS, 
20        gate.creole.ontology.Ontology ontology) throws JapeException { 
21           // your RHS Java code will be embedded here ... 
22    } 

Method doit has the following parameters that can be used in RHS Java code7:

In addition, the field ctx provides the ActionContext object to the RHS code (see the ActionContext JavaDoc for more). The ActionContext object can be used to access the controller and the corpus and the name and the feature map of the processing resource.

In your Java RHS you can use short names for all Java classes that are imported by the action class (plus Java classes from the packages that are imported by default according to JVM specification: java.lang.*, java.math.*). But you need to use fully qualified Java class names for all other classes. For example:

3  // VALID line examples 
4  AnnotationSet as = ... 
5  InputStream is = ... 
6  java.util.logging.Logger myLogger = 
7          java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("JAPELogger"); 
8  java.sql.Statement stmt = ... 
10  // INVALID line examples 
11  Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger("JapePhaseLogger"); 
12  Statement stmt = ... 

In order to add additional Java import or import static statements to all Java RHS’ of the rules in a JAPE grammar file, you can use the following code at the beginning of the JAPE file:

1Imports: { 
2import java.util.logging.Logger; 
3import java.sql.*; 

These import statements will be added to the default import statements for each action class generated for a RHS and the corresponding classes can be used in the RHS Java code without the need to use fully qualified names. A useful class to know about is gate.Utils (see the javadoc documentation for details), which provides static utility methods to simplify some common tasks that are frequently used in RHS Java code. Adding an import static gate.Utils.*; to the Imports block allows you to use these methods without any prefix, for example:

2  AnnotationSet lookups = bindings.get("lookup"); 
3  outputAS.add(start(lookups), end(lookups), "Person", 
4      featureMap("text", stringFor(doc, lookups))); 

You can do the same with your own utility classes — JAPE rules can import any class available to GATE, including classes defined in a plugin.

The predefined methods ruleName() and phaseName() allow you to easily access the rule and phase name in your Java RHS.

A JAPE file can optionally also contain Java code blocks for handling the events of when the controller (pipeline) running the JAPE processing resource starts processing, finishes processing, or processing is aborted (see the JavaDoc for ControllerAwarePR for more information and warnings about using this feature). These code blocks have to be defined after any Import: block but before the first phase in the file using the ControllerStarted:, ControllerFinished: and ControllerAborted: keywords:

1ControllerStarted: { 
2  // code to run when the controller starts / before any transducing is done 
4ControllerFinished: { 
5  // code to run right before the controller finishes / after all transducing 
7ControllerAborted: { 
8  // code to run when processing is aborted by an exception or by a manual 
9  // interruption 

The Java code in each of these blocks can access the following predefined fields:

Note that these blocks are invoked even when the JAPE processing resource is disabled in a conditional pipeline. If you want to adapt or avoid the processing inside a block in case the processing resource is disabled, use the method ctx.isPREnabled() to check if the processing resource is not disabled.

8.7 Optimising for Speed [#]

The way in which grammars are designed can have a huge impact on the processing speed. Some simple tricks to keep the processing as fast as possible are:

8.8 Ontology Aware Grammar Transduction [#]

GATE supports two different methods for ontology aware grammar transduction. Firstly it is possible to use the ontology feature both in grammars and annotations, while using the default transducer. Secondly it is possible to use an ontology aware transducer by passing an ontology language resource to one of the subsumes methods in SimpleFeatureMapImpl. This second strategy does not check for ontology features, which will make the writing of grammars easier, as there is no need to specify ontology when writing them. More information about the ontology-aware transducer can be found in Section 14.8.

8.9 Serializing JAPE Transducer [#]

JAPE grammars are written as files with the extension ‘.jape’, which are parsed and compiled at run-time to execute them over the GATE document(s). Serialization of the JAPE Transducer adds the capability to serialize such grammar files and use them later to bootstrap new JAPE transducers, where they do not need the original JAPE grammar file. This allows people to distribute the serialized version of their grammars without disclosing the actual contents of their jape files. This is implemented as part of the JAPE Transducer PR. The following sections describe how to serialize and deserialize them.

8.9.1 How to Serialize?

Once an instance of a JAPE transducer is created, the option to serialize it appears in the context menu of that instance. The context menu can be activated by right clicking on the respective PR. Having done so, it asks for the file name where the serialized version of the respective JAPE grammar is stored.

8.9.2 How to Use the Serialized Grammar File?

The JAPE Transducer now also has an init-time parameter binaryGrammarURL, which appears as an optional parameter to the grammarURL. The User can use this parameter (i.e. binaryGrammarURL) to specify the serialized grammar file.

8.10 Notes for Montreal Transducer Users [#]

In June 2008, the standard JAPE transducer implementation gained a number of features inspired by Luc Plamondon’s ‘Montreal Transducer’, which was available as a GATE plugin for several years, and was made obsolete in Version 5.1. If you have existing Montreal Transducer grammars and want to update them to work with the standard JAPE implementation you should be aware of the following differences in behaviour:

8.11 JAPE Plus [#]

Version 7.0 of GATE Developer/Embedded saw the introduction of the JAPE_Plus plugin, which includes a new JAPE execution engine, in the form of the JAPE-Plus Transducer. The JAPE-Plus Transducer should be a drop-in replacement for the standard JAPE Transducer: it accepts the same language (i.e. JAPE grammars) and it has a similar set of parameters. The JAPE-Plus Transducer includes a series of optimisations designed to speed-up the execution:

FSM Minimisation
the finite state machine used internally to represent the JAPE grammars is minimised, reducing the number of tests that to be performed at execution time.
Annotation Graph Indexing
JAPE Plus uses a special data structure for holding input annotations which is optimised for the types of tests performed during the execution of JAPE grammars.
Predicate Caching
JAPE pattern elements are converted into atomic predicates, i.e. tests that cannot be further sub-divided (such as testing if the value of a given annotation feature has a certain value). The truth value for all predicates for each input annotation is cached once calculated, using dynamic-programming techniques. This avoids the same test being evaluated multiple times for the same annotation.
Compilation of the State Machine
the finite state machine used during matching is converted into Java code that is then compiled on the fly. This allows the inlining of constants and the unwinding of execution loops. Additionally, the Java JIT optimisations can also apply in this set-up.

There are a few small differences in the behaviour of JAPE and JAPE Plus:


Figure 8.2: JAPE and JAPE Plus execution speed for document length

It is not possible to accurately quantify the speed differential between JAPE and JAPE Plus in the general case, as that depends on the complexity of the JAPE grammars used and of the input documents. To get one useful data point we performed an experiment where we processed just over 8,000 web pages from the BBC News web site, with the ANNIE NE grammars, using both JAPE and JAPE Plus. On average the execution speed was 4 times faster when using JAPE Plus. The smallest speed differential was 1 (i.e. JAPE Plus was as fast as JAPE), the highest was 9 times faster. Figure 8.2 plots the execution speed for both engines against document length. As can be seen, JAPE Plus is consistently faster on all document sizes.

Figure 8.3 includes a histogram showing the number of documents for each speed differential. For the vast majority of documents, JAPE Plus was 3 times or more faster than JAPE.


Figure 8.3: JAPE Plus execution speed differential

1A good description of the original version of this language is in Doug Appelt’s TextPro manual. Doug was a great help to us in implementing JAPE. Thanks Doug!

2In order for this rule to match you would also need to quote the type in the Input line at the top of the grammar, e.g. Input: "html:table"

3The exception to this is when a negative constraint is used alone, without any positive constraints in the combination. In this case it binds all the annotations at the match position that do not match the constraint. Thus, {!Lookup} would bind all the annotations starting at this location except Lookups. In general negative constraints should only be used in combination with positive ones.

4In the Montreal transducer, the two forms were equivalent

5This syntax will be familiar to Groovy users.

6However this does mean that it is not possible to include an n, r or t character after a backslash in a JAPE quoted string, or to have a backslash as the last character of your regular expression. Workarounds include placing the backslash in a character class ([∖∖]|) or enabling the (?x) flag, which allows you to put whitespace between the backslash and the offending character without changing the meaning of the pattern.

7Prior to GATE version 8.0 there was a (deprecated) additional parameter named annotations – any grammars that used this will have to be modified to use inputAS or outputAS as appropriate.

8Prior to GATE 5.2 this parameter was a plain Map without type parameters, which is why you will see a lot of now-unnecessary casts in existing JAPE grammars such as those in ANNIE.