Appendix B
Version 5.1 Plugins Name Map [#]
In version 5.1 we attempted to impose order on chaos by further defining the plugin naming convention (see Section 12.3.2) and renaming those existing plugins that did not conform to it. Below, you will find a mapping of old plugin names to new.
Old Name | New Name |
abner | Tagger_Abner |
alignment | Alignment |
annotationMerging | Annotation_Merging |
arabic | Lang_Arabic |
bdmComputation | Ontology_BDM_Computation |
cebuano | Lang_Cebuano |
Chemistry_Tagger | Tagger_Chemistry |
chinese | Lang_Chinese |
chineseSegmenter | Segmenter_Chinese |
copyAS2AnoDoc | Copy_Annots_Between_Docs |
crawl | Web_Crawler_Websphinx |
french | Lang_French |
german | Lang_German |
Web_Search_Google | |
hindi | Lang_Hindi |
iaaPlugin | Inter_Annotator_Agreement |
italian | Lang_Italian |
Kea | Keyphrase_Extraction_Algorithm |
learning | Learning |
lkb_gazetteer | Gazetteer_LKB |
Minipar | Parser_Minipar |
NP_Chunking | Tagger_NP_Chunking |
Ontology_Based_Gazetteer | Gazetteer_Ontology_Based |
OpenCalais | Tagger_OpenCalais |
openNLP | OpenNLP |
rasp | Parser_RASP |
romanian | Lang_Romanian |
Stanford | Parser_Stanford |
Stemmer | Stemmer_Snowball |
TaggerFramework | Tagger_Framework |
TreeTagger | Tagger_TreeTagger |
uima | UIMA |
yahoo | Web_Search_Yahoo |