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Use cases

There are these categories of work on Software Architecture for Language Engineering (SALE):

  1. Processing resources
    1. Locating, loading and initialising components from local and non-local machines.
    2. Executing processing components, serially or in parallel.
    3. Representing information about components.
    4. Factoring out commonalities amongst components.
  2. Language Resources, corpora and annotation
    1. Accessing data components.
    2. Managing collections of documents (including recordings) and their formats.
    3. Representing information about text and speech.
    4. Representing information about language.
    5. Indexing and retrieving information.
  3. Methods and applications
    1. Method support
      • FST, unification and statistics over information.
      • Comparing different versions of information.
    2. Application issues
      • Storing information.
      • Deployment and embedding.
    3. Development issues
      • Interoperation with other infrastructures.
      • Viewing and editing data components and information.
      • UI access to architectural facilities (development environments).

The rest of this page presents use cases for these categories.

General desiderata

Use case 1: LE research and development

Goal: To support LE R&D workers producing software and performing experiments.

Description: During design, developers use the architectural component of SALE for guidance on the overall shape of the system. During development they use the framework for implementations of the architecture, and of commonly occuring tasks. The development environment is used for convenient ways of exploiting the framework and of accessing common tasks. For deployment the framework is available independently of the development environment and can be embedded in other applications.

Use case 2: Documentation, maintenance, and support

Goal: To document, maintain and support the architecture.

Description: Without adequate documentation of its facilities an architecture is next to useless. Without bug fixes and addition of new features to meet changing requirements it will not evolve and fall into disuse. Without occasional help from experts users will learn more slowly than they could.

Use case 3: Localisation and internationalisation

Goal: To allow the use of the architecture in and for different languages.

Description: Users of the architecture need to be able to have menus and at least some of the documentation in a familiar language, and they need to be able to build applications which process and display virtually any human language.

Use case 4: Software development good practice

Goal: To promote good software engineering in LE development.

Description: We can derive a number of general desiderata for SALEs on the basis that they are used for software development. In common with other software developers, SALE users need extensibility; interoperability; openness; explicit design documentation in appropriate modelling languages; graphical development environments; usage examples, or patterns.

Use case 5: Framework requirements

Goal: To exploit the benefits of the framework.

Description: Some general requirements for frameworks:

Orthogonality of elements: a user shouldn't have to learn everything in order to use one thing.

Availability of abstractions at different levels of complexity: a user should be able to do something basic in a simple fashion, but also be able to fiddle under the hood in a more complex scenario if necessary.

Components, PRs and LRs

Locating, loading and initialising components

Use case 6: Locate and load components

Goal: To discover components at runtime, load and initialise them.

Description: R&D developers create LR and PR components and reuse those created by others. Experimenters, students and teachers use components provided for them. Systems administrators install components. Applications developers embedd components in their systems. The set of components required in different cases is dynamic and loading should be dynamic as a consequence. The SALE should find all available components given minimal clues (perhaps a list of URLs), load them and initialise them ready for use.

Executing processing components

Use case 7: PR and LR Management

Goal: To allow the building of systems from sets of components.

Description: Developers need to be able to choose a subset of the available components and wire them together to form systems. These configurations should be shareable with other developers.

Use case 8: Distributed Processing

Goal: To allow the construction of systems based on components residing on different host computers.

Description: Components developed on one computer platform are seldom easy to move to other platforms. In order to reuse a diverse set of such components they must be made available over the net for distributed processing. Networks are often slow, however, so there must also be the capability to do all processing on one machine if the component set allows.

Use case 9: Parallel Processing

Goal: To allow asynchronous execution of processing components.

Description: Certain tasks can be carried out in parallel in some language processing systems. This implies that the execution of PRs should be multithreaded and means made available for parallel execution.

Representing information about components.

Use case 10: Component metadata

Goal: To allow the association of structured data with LR and PR components.

Description: Components are wired together with executive and task-specific code to form experimental systems or applications. Component metadata helps automate the wiring process, e.g. by describing the I/O contraints of the component. To use components they have to be found: metadata can be used to allow categorisation and description for browsing component sets.

Factoring out commonalities amongst components.

Use case 11: Component commonalities

Goal: To factor out commonalities between related components.

Description: Where there are families of components that share certain characteristics those commonalities should be modelled in the architecture. For example language analyser PRs characteristically take a document as input and add certain annotations to the document. Developers of analysers should be able to extend a part of the model which captures this and other characteristics.

Accessing data components

Use case 12: LR access

Goal: To provide uniform, simple methods for accessing data components.

Description: Just as the execution of PRs should be normalised by a SALE, so access to data components should be done in a uniform and efficient manner.

Managing collections of documents their formats

Use case 13: Corpora (Language Data LRs)

Goal: To manage (possibly very large) collections of documents in an efficient manner.

Description: Documents (texts and audiovisual materials) are grouped into collections which may have data associated with them. Operations which relate to documents should be generalisable to collections of documents.

Use case 14: Format-Independent Document Processing

Goal: To allow SALE users to use documents of various formats without knowledge of those formats.

Description: Documents can be processed independent of their formats. For example, an IE system can get to the text in an RTF document or an HTML document without worrying about the structure of these formats. The structure is available for access where needed.

Representing information about text and speech

Use case 15: Annotations on Documents

Goal: To support theory-neutral format-independent annotation of documents.

Description: Many of the data structures produced and consumed by PR components are associated with text. Even NLG components can be viewed as producing data structures that relate to nascent texts that become progressively better specified, culminating in surface strings of words. See also interoperation use case (annotation import/export to/from SGML/XML).

Representing information about language

Use case 16: Data About Language LRs

Goal: To support creation and maintenance of LRs that describe language.

Description: Lexicons, grammars, ontologies, etc. etc. all require support tools for their development, for example for consistency checking, browsing and so on. (Note that this use case is potentially very large, and may fall outside of our scope.) In addition, developers of these types of resource use tools such as concordancers (e.g. KWIC) which should be provided by the development environment.

Indexing and retrieving information

Use case 17: Indices

Goal: To cater for indexing and retrieval of diverse data structures.

Description: The architecture includes data structures for annotating documents and for associating metadata with components. These data structures need efficient indices to make computation over large data sets tractable.

Method support

Use case 18: Common algorithms

Goal: To provide a library of well-known algorithms over native data structures.

Description: Although infrastructure should not in general stray into open research fields, where a particular algorithm is well-known it would be advantageous to provide a baseline implementation. For example, finite state transduction over annotation data structures, perhaps unification, ngram models and so on. (This use case is not under the annotation heading because it would be advantageous to generalise its application across other data structures and across text itself in some cases.)

Use case 19: Data comparison

Goal: To provide simple methods for comparing data structures.

Description: Machine learning methods, evaluation methods and introspective methods all need ways of comparing desired results on a particular language processing task with the results that a set of components has produced. In some cases this is a complex task (e.g. the comparison of MUC templates was found in some circumstances to be NP complete!), but in many cases a simple comparison measure based on identity is useful for a first-cut approximantion of success. This measure can be expressed as precision/recall where appropriate. (This use case is not under the annotation heading because it would be advantageous to generalise its application across other data structures and across text itself in some cases.)

Application issues

Use case 20: Persistence

Goal: All data structures native to the architecture should be persistent.

Description: The storage of data created automatically by components or manually by editing should be managed by the framework. This management should be transparent to a large degree, but must also be efficient and therefore should be amenable to tinkering where necessary. Access control may also be provided here.

Use case 21: Deployment

Goal: To allow the use of the framework in diverse contexts.

Description: The framework must be available in many context in order to allow the transfer of experimental and prototype systems from the development environment to external applications and parts of applications. Users must be able to use framework classes as a library, including classes of their own that are derived from the framework classes. They should also be able to build programs based on the framework by supplying their own executive code, and be able to access data resources from other contexts using standard database protocols.

Development issues

Use case 22: Interoperation and Embedding

Goal: To enable data import from and export to other infrastructures and embedding of components in other environments.

Description: Formats and formalisms for the expression of LRs come in many shapes and sizes. Some of these are dealt with by wrapping those formats in code that talks the language of the SALE framework. Other, widespread formats should be made more generally accessible via import/export filters. The prime case here is SGML/XML.

Certain common execution environments should be catered for, such as MS Office, OLE and Netscape Communicator.

Use case 23: Viewing and Editing

Goal: To manipulate LE data structures.

Description: SALEs are used to view and edit the data structures that LE systems process. This applies to both LRs and PRs.

Use case 24: Development UI

Goal: To give access to all the framework and architectural services and support development of LE experiments and applications.

Description: A large part of the story is components, which can be viewed, edited, stored, accessed from the framework API and so on. The final element is a UI for developers that wires all these together and gives top-level access to storage and component management, and execution of PRs.