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JAPE and Coordinated Annotations


1. Using a series of coordinated annotations

sample input:

Number of employees:	7,753 (30/06/2007)
   7,569 (30/06/2006)

JAPE rule

Rule: EmployeesYear
  ({Token.string == "Employees"}|
   {Token.string == "employees"})
  {Token.string == ":"}

    {Token.string == "("}
    ({Token.string == ")"})

   OffsetComparator comparator = new OffsetComparator();

   gate.AnnotationSet dateSet  = (gate.AnnotationSet) bindings.get("date");
   List<Annotation>   dateList = new ArrayList<Annotation>(dateSet);

   gate.AnnotationSet mentionSet  = (gate.AnnotationSet) bindings.get("mention");
   List<Annotation>   mentionList = new ArrayList<Annotation>(mentionSet);

   if ( dateList.size() == mentionList.size() ) {
      // Put both Lists in L->R order
      Collections.sort(dateList, comparator);
      Collections.sort(mentionList, comparator);

      //  Because we've already checked that the two Lists have the same size,
      //  their iterators should work the same!
      Iterator<Annotation> dateIter = dateList.iterator();
      Iterator<Annotation> mentionIter = mentionList.iterator();

      gate.Annotation dateAnn, mentionAnn;

      while (dateIter.hasNext() ) {
         // Use next() on both iterators together to keep them aligned
         dateAnn = dateIter.next();
         mentionAnn = mentionIter.next();

         // get the value of the date and then add 
         // it as the value of a date
         // feature to the employee number
            String content = doc.getContent().getContent(dateAnn.getStartNode().getOffset(),

            FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
            features.put("class", "Number");
            features.put("date", content);
            features.put("note", "Number_of_Employees");
            features.put("xbrl_id", "nt.employees");
            features.put("rule", "EmployeesYear");
            outputAS.add(mentionAnn.getStartNode(), mentionAnn.getEndNode(), 
                         "Mention", features);
         catch(InvalidOffsetException ioe){
            //this should never happen
            throw new GateRuntimeException(ioe);
      } // end while (iterating through both lists)
   }  // end if (length test)
   else {
      // "this should never happen", as they say
      System.err.println("Unequal number of Date and Mention found in EmployeesYear");
} // end EmployeesYear RHS

2. Iterate through a list of things and annotate each one with the same information

Macro: LIST
 ((AND) {NP})*

Rule: FishList1
// herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, and anchovies
//get the mention annotations in a list
  List annList = new ArrayList((AnnotationSet)bindings.get("mention"));

  //sort the list by offset
  Collections.sort(annList, new OffsetComparator());

  //iterate through the matched annotations
  for(int i = 0; i < annList.size(); i++)
    Annotation anAnn = (Annotation)annList.get(i);

// check that the new annotation is an NP and is not a FishClass already
if ((anAnn.getType().equals("NP")) &&
    (! anAnn.getType ().equals("FishClass"))
    FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    features.put("rule", "FishList1");
 annotations.add(anAnn.getStartNode(), anAnn.getEndNode(), "FishClass",


3. Putting the antecedents' strings on pronouns identified by the pronoun co-referencer

Rule: Entity
 ({Organization.ENTITY_MENTION_TYPE == "PRONOUN"})
:entity {
  Annotation entity = entityAnnots.iterator().next();
  FeatureMap entityFeatures = entity.getFeatures();
  List matches = (List) entityFeatures.get("matches");
  Object offsetObj = entityFeatures.get("antecedent_offset");
  Long antecedentOffset = null;
  boolean found = false;

  if (offsetObj == null) {
    System.err.println("Missing antecedent_offset on " + entity.getId());
  else if (offsetObj instanceof Long) {
    antecedentOffset = (Long) offsetObj;
  else {
    antecedentOffset = Long.parseLong(offsetObj.toString());

  if (antecedentOffset != null) {

    Annotation antecedent = null;
    for (Object id : matches) {
      antecedent = inputAS.get((Integer) id);
      if (antecedent.getStartNode().getOffset().equals(antecedentOffset)) {
        found = true;
    if (found)  {
      Long end = antecedent.getEndNode().getOffset();
      try {
        String antecedentString = doc.getContent().getContent(antecedentOffset, end).toString();
        entityFeatures.put("antecedent_string", antecedentString);
      catch (InvalidOffsetException e) {
        System.out.println("doc = " + doc.getName() + " @" + antecedentOffset + ".." + end);
    else {
      entityFeatures.put("antecedent_error", "error");