8th GATE Training Course - June 2015 Participants' Wiki
Here you will find detailed current information about the training course, including the hands-on material you will need for each module. This page will be updated regularly.
Course materials and supporting information for the talks
Presentations and related materials will be posted here when available. Please download the relevant material for the modules you're taking, in advance of the session.
- Monday 8 June
- Session 1 - Introduction to the GATE GUI: slides, hands-on materials for sessions 1 and 2
- Session 2 - Information Extraction and Evaluation: slides
- Introduction to JAPE: slides, hands-on material, shares corpus
- Advanced JAPE: slides, hands-on material
- Tuesday 9 June
- all hands-on material: socmed-hands-on.zip
- Slides: [reserved for participants]
- References refs
- Download and install the Java SDK if you don't have it: Oracle website or for Debian/Ubuntu/similar, sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
- Wednesday 10 June
- Advanced IE: slides, hands-on materials
- Machine Learning: slides, hands-on materials
- Supplementary relations material: slides, hands-on materials
- Thursday 11 June
- Opinion Mining: slides, hands-on materials, Extra sentiment exercise hands-on materials
- Crowdsourcing: slides, hands-on materials
- GATE Mímir and cloud services: slides, hands-on materials (20MB)
- Friday 12 June
- GATE for programmers track (held in the Computer Science dept, see below)
- Section 1: Introduction to GATE Embedded: slides, hands-on materials
- Section 2: Creating your own PR: slides, hands-on materials
- Section 3: Advanced topics: handout and hands-on materials
Venue: The course will be held in the John Carr Design Centre at the University of Sheffield. Room C29, first floor, Portobello Centre, Pitt Street (opposite the Royal Institute for the Blind). This is a 30 minute walk or a simple bus ride from the University accommodation.
Note that the Programming track on Friday will be held in the Department of Computer Science, 211 Portobello, S1 4DP, just across the road from the John Carr Design Centre.
- Maps and directions. The entrance is from the big iron doors on the pedestrian street, next to St George's church and opposite St George's library and Blackwells bookshop.
- General information about Sheffield, how to get to it by air and train, places to eat, where to visit, etc can be found in our Sheffield visitor's guide.
- Some more maps and travel advice are available here as well.
- Note that there are currently no trams operating to the West Street stop, so if you are arriving by train you should either walk (15-20 minutes) or follow signs for Sheffield Interchange (the bus station) and catch a number 95 or 120 bus from there to West Street.
Accommodation: There may be some accommodation available at the university's Halifax Hall Hotel in Endcliffe (approx 30 mins walk or a 10 minute bus ride from the venue). This costs from £65 per night. Booking details available on their website. There are also a variety of other options in the city centre (10-15 minutes walk from the venue) or around the university.
Social event: There will be a social dinner at 7pm on Tuesday 11 June at Efes, which is very close to the venue.
What you need to bring: You will need to bring your own laptop with the latest GATE Developer version and Java 7 installed. Module 5 (GATE Developer) participants will also need Apache Ant (1.8 or later), Apache Maven 3, and a Java IDE such as Eclipse is strongly recommended (get the "IDE for Java Developers" option). If you are unable to bring your own laptop, please let us know as soon as possible, as we may be able to lend a limited number.
- Chairs: Diana Maynard and Kalina Bontcheva
- Local organisation: Joanne Suter
- Contact: Please contact us at gate-fig@sheffield.ac.uk for any enquiries relating to the training course.