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Participant Profiles

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Name -- Contact Info -- Biography
Example Person Contact details such as Skype ID, email etc. A few details such as background, interests etc.
Dr. Atefeh Farzindar NLP Technologies Inc. http://www.nlptechnologies.ca/ and My home page at UdeM : http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~farzinda/ Research and Interests: Legal documents, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Translation, Automatic Summarization, information extraction, Semantic Analysis in Social Networks
Gina Cook http://gina.openlanguage.ca/ Interests: Morpho-syntax, creating customizable processing resources for agglutinative languages (e.g. Turkish, Inuktitut) or languages/dialects/registers with limited resources/little training data/non-standard usage
David Mason http://zooid.org/~vid Genomics data, papers, civic data
Serguei A. Mokhov home page, MARF, DBLP Research: GIPSY, MARF, forensic computing, intensional computing, context-awareness, Forensic Lucid, pattern recognition and NLP, computer graphics, software engineering, programming languages. I am a syadmin, a PhD candidate, a part-time instructor, etc. at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Chris Moran cmoran@semanticresearch.com VP Professional Services, Semantic Research, Inc., Creator of the rules4J semantic rule engine. My primary interests are natural language ontologies, semantic rules, and intelligent agents.
Keroles Riad kokokrkrkero@yahoo.com Chess and Pingpong are what I like doing.