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Homesaletalksslam 〉 training-201506

GATE training course 29 June - 2 July 2015

Software requirements

Each user will need a machine capable of running GATE comfortably, and the following software installed:


In order to make the most of the course, we will assume that you have a basic familiarity with GATE - that you have it installed, can start it, load documents and load and run applications.

If you are unsure about this, take a look at these:


Day Topic Slides and exercise material
Monday Introduction (AR)
Basic information extraction and evaluation (AR)
Writing JAPE grammars (GG)
Tuesday Machine learning basics and entity recognition (AR)
Wednesday Document and sentence Classification (GG)
13:00 CRIS and GATE - Rob Stewart
Advanced information extraction (GG)
Ontologies and semantic annotation (AR)
Thursday MIMIR and semantic indexing (IR)
Parallel Session 1: Programming: The GATE API (IR)

slides and hands-on material for programming

Parallel Session 2: More JAPE, and discussion of people's work (AR)