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Homesaletalksgate-course-jun13track-3module-10-advanced-ie 〉 complaints.txt
*Tricky issue*

The exercise involving segment processing & the orthomatcher works
after a fashion, but the results can't appear in the coreference
editor because the document feature is missing.

Uh-oh: it turns out that annotation IDs in the NE annotations' matches
features aren't right either.

We all need to decide what to do with the orthomatcher output's
document features when transferring data back from the temp document
to the main one; & with the annotation IDs.

*New errors*

The docs in module-10-hands-on/corpus/rar-english-german-corpus/ are
in ISO-8859-1, not UTF-8.

The annie+german.gapp has the wrong conditions on some PRs.  The
gazetteer identifies "Alkoholiker" as a job title.

Slide "Hands-on with multilingual apps (2)": tell them to load the
German plugin so that "German IE system" appears under "Ready-made