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Reporting bugs

Please send us a table entry looking like this:

    <TD>Subsystem<BR>(core, jape, creole or gui)</TD>
    <TD>Reported by</TD>
    <TD>Adopted by</TD>
    <TD>Reported on<BR>(date/OS/JDK and<BR>GATE versions)</TD>
    <TD>Fixed on<BR>(date/GATE version)</TD>  
    <TD>Test method</TD>
    <TD>Supporting materials</TD>
Along with any supporting materials like input files needed to duplicate the bug. Please provide as much information as possible.

Fixing bugs

Known Bugs

Number Subsystem (core, jape, creole or gui) Reported by Adopted by Reported on (date/OS/JDK and GATE versions) Fixed on (date/GATE version) Description Test method Supporting materials
0004 gui Hamish ___adopted_by 16/5/1 NT4 1.3.1 a2build499 ___fixed_on ___date ___Gversion the applications edit component needs some work - it resizes in a strange fashion e.g. when you select a component to add. in general components shouldn't resize when you're clicking in them methinks - -
0005 gui Hamish ___adopted_by 16/5/1 NT4 1.3.1 a2build499 ___fixed_on ___date ___Gversion it would be nice if double click on a document in the datastore display tree loaded the document, in line with double clicking in the resource tree - -
0006 core Valy ___adopted_by 16/5/1 NT4 1.3.1 a2build499 ___fixed_on ___date ___Gversion AnnotationSetImpl:
Various get() methods return the actual set stored in the indexes internal to AnnotationSetImpl. If such a set obtained from a get() operation is then modified, the modification will be reflected by the results of all the further calls to the same get() method although the base AnnotationSet is not actually modified, hence invalid results.
Probably the desired behaviour is for the returned annotation sets to be backed by the base annotation set so that modifications on the returned sets will reflect in the base set. That could cause a lot of ConcurrentModificationExceptions in the client code but that's their problem. {@see List.subList(start, end).clear(); }
- -
0007 core Valy ___adopted_by 16/5/1 NT4 1.3.1 a2build499 ___fixed_on ___date ___Gversion when it looks for creole.xml in the file system it downcases the whole path (because it comes from a URL?) - -
0008 core Valy ___adopted_by 16/5/1 NT4 1.3.1 a2build499 ___fixed_on ___date ___Gversion gate.initCreoleRegister is looking in resources/gau for creole.xml when gate.Main starts up - it shouldn't, as this is only for testing - -
0009 creole Kalina Oana 18/May OS:NT Gate a2build499 ___fixed_on ___date ___Gversion Move the list loading from run to the init method, because they are meant to be read only when the NM is initialised, not every time it's run.
0010 creole/namematcher Kalina Oana 18/May OS:NT Gate a2build499 ___fixed_on ___date ___Gversion I added BT Cellnet and BT Wireless as spurious matches in the spur_match.lst file. However if you the NM on the file which I created for testing \resources\gate\texts\namematcher-test.txt, then the NM still matches them to BT, when it should not. just run in GUI, after the NE recogniser, on file namematcher-test from \resources\gate\texts

Fixed Bugs

Number Subsystem (core, jape, creole or gui) Reported by Adopted by Reported on (date/OS/JDK and GATE versions) Fixed on (date/GATE version) Description Test method Supporting materials
0001 jape Horacio Valy April-01 NT4 JDK 1.3 alpha1 30th May 2001
Alpha3 build 512
Infinite loop in jape processing
Jape now detects infinite loops and recovers from them by forcing an advance of the input. This might loose some possible matches but it's better than waiting forever.
A warning message is displayed on the Err output.
directory bugs/0001
0003 gui Hamish Cristi 16/5/1 NT4 1.3.1 a2build499 Fixed on 18 May 2001 from alpha2 Build 501 when using larger-than-normal fonts, the annotation diff results at the bottom of the screen sometimes disappear outside the window - -
0002 gui Hamish Valy 16/5/1 linux6.2/solaris7 1.3.1 a2-build499 30th May 2001
Alpha3 build 512
When a datastore is openned, and double-clicked on, before any other resources are created, the resources tree resizes to near zero size - -