GATE in Lirics
Linguistic Infrastructure for Interoperable Resources and Systems
Lirics is funded as an eContent Project under European Commission 5th FP with a budget of 3,000,000 euros. It starts from January 2005 and runs for 30 months. Lirics is coordinated by INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique), France.
Contact: Hamish Cunningham (PI)
Project Objectives:
LIRICS addresses the needs of today's information and communication society where globalisation and localization necessitate multilingual communication creating an increasing need for new standardization as well as urgent recognition of existing de facto standards and their transformation into 'de jure' International Standards. LIRICS thus aims to:
- provide ISO ratified standards for language technology to enable the exchange and reuse of multilingual language resources;
- facilitate the implementation of these standards for end-users by providing an open-source implementation platform, related web services and test suites building on legacy formats, tools and data;
- gain full industry support and input to the standards development via the Industry Advisory group and demonstration workshops; and
- provide a pay-per-use business model for use by Industry and in particular SMEs validated during the project for the benefit of all actors in the content and language industries.
Our Role
We are the primary partner responsible for the LIRICS reference implementations and platform; along with other partners, we are providing web services and clients to demonstrate the usability and practicality of the project's standards in conjunction with a service-oriented architecture and the re-use of existing natural language processing components (such as taggers and parsers). The resulting software will be freely available beyond the life of the project.
Selected Publications
- Project Web page:
- Project Reference: EDC-22236-LIRICS
- Project Acronym: Lirics
- Project Name: Linguistic Infrastructure for Interoperable Resources and Systems
- Total cost: 3,000,000 Euros
- Commission Funding: 2,400,000 Euros
- Project Duration: 2005-01-01 to 2007-06-30