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Homegatewikicowtestunitgateyamtranslate 〉 LaTeXConstantsTests.java
 *  LaTeXConstantsTests.java
 *  Copyright (c) 1998-2008, The University of Sheffield.
 *  This code is from the GATE project (http://gate.ac.uk/) and is free
 *  software licenced under the GNU General Public License version 3. It is
 *  distributed without any warranty. For more details see COPYING.txt in the
 *  top level directory (or at http://gatewiki.sf.net/COPYING.txt).
 *  Hamish Cunningham, 13th May 2006

package gate.yam.translate;

import junit.framework.*;
import gate.yam.parse.*;

 * Check that all the YAM parse tree nodes are associated with an appropriate 
 * set of constants.
public class LaTeXConstantsTests extends TestCase
implements LaTeXConstants, YamParserTreeConstants, TranslationConstants
  /** Create the test case. */
  public LaTeXConstantsTests(String testName) { super(testName); }

  /** Check LaTeXConstants against YamParserTreeConstants. */
  public void testConstants() {
    int numNodes = jjtNodeName.length;

    for(int i=0; i<numNodes; i++) {
      if(i >= latexConstantsTable.length)
        fail("ran out of constants at jjtNodeName = " + jjtNodeName[i]);
      if(! jjtNodeName[i].equals(latexConstantsTable[i][CONSTANTNAME]))
          "node name mismatch, wanted " + jjtNodeName[i] +
          " but got " + latexConstantsTable[i][CONSTANTNAME]

  } // testConstants()

  /** Get the path to the preamble resource (DUMMY). */
  public String getPreamblePath() { return null; }

  /** Array mapping node type name to start/end strings (DUMMY). */
  public String[][] getConstantsTable() { return null; }

  /** Array mapping predicate type name to attributes (DUMMY). */
  public Object[][] getPredicatesTable() { return null; }

} // LaTeXConstantsTests