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Minimal JSP Wiki to YAM Test

make a horizontal ruler. Extra '-' is ignored.

force a line break

link create a hyperlink to an internal WikiPage called 'Link'.

this is also a link create a hyperlink to an internal WikiPage called

'ThisIsAlsoALink' but show the link as typed with spaces.

a samplelink create a hyperlink to an internal WikiPage called

'Link', but display the text 'a sample' to the

user instead of 'Link'.

~NoLink disable link creation for the word in CamelCase.

1 make a reference to a footnote numbered 1.

#1 mark the footnote number 1.

[link create text 'link'.

heading small heading with text 'heading' heading medium heading with text 'heading' heading large heading with text 'heading'

text print 'text' in italic.

text print 'text' in bold.

{{text}} print 'text' in monospaced font.

;term:ex make a definition for 'term' with the explanation 'ex'