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Homegatewikicowtestintegrationorgtmatesoftsvnexampleswc 〉 WorkingCopy.java
 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 TMate Software Ltd.  All rights reserved.
 * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
 * are also available at http://svnkit.com/license.html
 * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
 * newer version instead, at your option.
 * ====================================================================
package org.tmatesoft.svn.examples.wc;

import gate.versioning.svnkit.InfoHandler;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCommitInfo;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.DAVRepositoryFactory;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.fs.FSRepositoryFactory;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.svn.SVNRepositoryFactoryImpl;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNPathUtil;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.DefaultSVNOptions;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.SVNRepositoryFactory;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNEventHandler;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNOptions;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNClientManager;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNCopySource;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNUpdateClient;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNWCUtil;

 * This  is  a complex  example program that demonstrates how  you  can manage local
 * working copies as well as  URLs  (that is, items located  in  the  repository) by 
 * means of the  API  provided in the org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc package. The package 
 * itself represents  a  high-level  API  consisting of classes and interfaces which 
 * allow to perform operations compatible with ones of the native Subversion command
 * line client.  These version control operations are logically grouped in a  set of 
 * classes which names meet  'SVN*Client'  pattern. For example, the package has the 
 * SVNUpdateClient class which is responsible for update-related operations (update,
 * switch, check out). Most of the  methods of these 'client' classes are named like
 * 'doSomething(..)' where 'Something' corresponds to the name of a version  control 
 * operation (usually similar to the name of the  corresponding  Subversion  command 
 * line client's command). So, for  users  familiar with the Subversion command line 
 * client it won't take much  effort and time  to  match a 'do*' method  against  an 
 * appropriate Subversion client's operation (or command, in other words).
 * Surely, it  may  seem  not  quite handy to deal with a number of classes that all 
 * need to be instantiated, initialized, kept.. For example, if a developer is going 
 * to use all (or several) of the SVN*Client classes and most of them will access  a 
 * repository (in that way when authentication is demanded), it becomes tiresome  to 
 * provide authentication info to every one of them. So, for managing purposes  like 
 * the previous one the  package  has got the class  called  SVNClientManager  whose 
 * get*Client() methods provide all necessary SVN*Client objects to a caller. 
 * A  developer once creates an instance of  SVNClientManager  providing (if needed) 
 * his  authentication  info/options (options  are  similar  to  the   SVN  run-time 
 * configuration settings that can be found in the config file) into an  appropriate 
 * SVNClientManager.newInstance(..) method. Further all SVN*Client objects  provided 
 * by the instance of SVNClientManager will use these authentication info/options.   
 * The program illustrates a  number  of  main  operations  usually carried out upon 
 * working copies and URLs. Here's a brief description  of  what  the  program  does 
 * (main steps):
 * 0)first of all initializes the  SVNKit  library  (it must be done prior to using 
 * the library);
 * 1)if the program was run with some in parameters, it fetches them out of the args 
 * parameter; the program expects the following input parameters: 
 * repositoryURL wcRootPath name password 
 * 2)next instantiates an SVNClientManager providing default options and  auth  info 
 * to it -  these parameters will be used by  all  SVN*Client  objects that will  be
 * created, kept and provided by the manager; default run-time options correspond to 
 * the client-side run-time settings found in the  'config'  file within the default 
 * SVN configuration area; also in this case the client manager will use the server-
 * side run-time settings found in the 'servers' file within the same area;
 * 3)the first operation  -  making an empty directory in a repository; that is like 
 * 'svn mkdir URL'  which  creates  a  new  directory  given  all  the  intermediate 
 * directories created); this operation is immediately committed to the repository;
 * 4)the next operation  - creating a new local directory (importDir) and a new file 
 * (importFile) in it and then importing the directory into the repository; 
 * 5)the next operation - checking out the directory created in the previous step to 
 * a local directory defined by the myWorkingCopyPath parameter ; 
 * 6)the next operation  -  recursively getting and displaying info for each item at 
 * the working revision in the working copy that was  checked  out  in  the previous 
 * step;
 * 7)the next operation - creating a new directory (newDir) with a file (newFile) in
 * the working copy and then  recursively  scheduling (if any subdirictories existed 
 * they would be also added:)) the created directory for addition;
 * 8)the next operation - recursively getting and displaying the working copy status
 * not including unchanged (normal) paths; the result must include those paths which
 * were scheduled for addition in the previous step; 
 * 9)the next operation  - recursively updating the working copy; if any local items
 * are out of date they will be updated to the latest revision;
 * 10)the next operation - committing local changes to the repository; this will add 
 * the directory with the file (that were  scheduled  for addition two steps before) 
 * to the repository;
 * 11)the next operation  -  locking  the  file  committed in the previous step (for 
 * example, if you temporarily need to keep a file locked to prevent someone's  else 
 * modifications);
 * 12)the next operation  -  showing status once again (here, to see that  the  file 
 * was locked);
 * 13)the next operation  -  copying  with  history  one  URL (url)  to another  one 
 * (copyURL) within the same repository;
 * 14)the next operation - switching the working copy to a different  URL  (copyURL)
 * where url was copied to in the previous step;
 * 15)the next operation  -  recursively  getting  and  displaying  info on the root 
 * directory of the working copy to demonstrate that the working copy is now  really
 * switched against copyURL;
 * 16)the next operation - scheduling the newDir directory for deletion;
 * 17)the next operation  -  showing  status  once  again  (here, to  see  that  the 
 * directory with all its entries were scheduled for deletion);
 * 18)the next operation - committing local changes to the repository; this operation
 * will delete the directory (newDir) with the file (newFile) that were scheduled for
 * deletion from the repository;
 *                                    * * *
 * This example can be  run  for a locally  installed  Subversion  repository via the 
 * svn:// protocol. This is how you can do it:
 * 1)after you install the Subversion on your machine (SVN is available for  download 
 * at  http://subversion.tigris.org/),  you should  create  a  new  repository  in  a 
 * directory, like this (in a command line under a Windows OS):
 * >svnadmin create X:\path\to\rep
 * 2)after the repository is created you can add a new account: open X:\path\to\rep\, 
 * then move into \conf and open the file - 'passwd'.  In  the file  you'll  see  the 
 * section [users]. Uncomment it and add a new account below the section name, like:
 * [users] 
 * userName = userPassword
 * In the program you may further use this account as user's credentials.
 * 3)the  next  step  is  to  launch  the  custom  Subversion  server (svnserve) in a 
 * background mode for the just created repository:
 * >svnserve -d -r X:\path\to
 * That's all. The repository is now available via  svn://localhost/rep.
 *                                    * * *
 * While  the  program  is  running, in your console  you'll see something like this:

 Making a new directory at 'svn://localhost/testRep/MyRepos'...
 Committed to revision 70

 Importing a new directory into 'svn://localhost/testRep/MyRepos/importDir'...
 Adding         importFile.txt
 Committed to revision 71

 Checking out a working copy from 'svn://localhost/testRep/MyRepos'...
 A         importDir
 A         importDir/importFile.txt
 At revision 71

 Local Path: N:\MyWorkingCopy
 URL: svn://localhost/testRep/MyRepos
 Repository UUID: dbe83c44-f5aa-e043-94ec-ecdf6c56480f
 Revision: 71
 Node Kind: dir
 Schedule: normal
 Last Changed Author: userName
 Last Changed Revision: 71
 Last Changed Date: Thu Jul 21 23:43:15 NOVST 2005
 Local Path: N:\MyWorkingCopy\importDir
 URL: svn://localhost/testRep/MyRepos/importDir
 Repository UUID: dbe83c44-f5aa-e043-94ec-ecdf6c56480f
 Revision: 71
 Node Kind: dir
 Schedule: normal
 Last Changed Author: userName
 Last Changed Revision: 71
 Last Changed Date: Thu Jul 21 23:43:15 NOVST 2005
 Local Path: N:\MyWorkingCopy\importDir\importFile.txt
 URL: svn://localhost/testRep/MyRepos/importDir/importFile.txt
 Repository UUID: dbe83c44-f5aa-e043-94ec-ecdf6c56480f
 Revision: 71
 Node Kind: file
 Schedule: normal
 Last Changed Author: userName
 Last Changed Revision: 71
 Last Changed Date: Thu Jul 21 23:43:15 NOVST 2005
 Properties Last Updated: Thu Jul 21 23:43:16 NOVST 2005
 Text Last Updated: Thu Jul 21 23:43:16 NOVST 2005
 Checksum: 75e9e68e21ae4453f318424738aef57e

 Recursively scheduling a new directory 'N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir' for addition...
 A     newDir
 A     newDir/newFile.txt

 Status for 'N:\MyWorkingCopy':
 A          0     ?    ?                 N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir\newFile.txt
 A          0     ?    ?                 N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir

 Updating 'N:\MyWorkingCopy'...
 At revision 71

 Committing changes for 'N:\MyWorkingCopy'...
 Adding         newDir
 Adding         newDir/newFile.txt
 Transmitting file data....
 Committed to revision 72

 Locking (with stealing if the entry is already locked) 'N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir\newFile.txt'.
 L     newFile.txt

 Status for 'N:\MyWorkingCopy':
 K     72    72    userName         N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir\newFile.txt

 Copying 'svn://localhost/testRep/MyRepos' to 'svn://localhost/testRep/MyReposCopy'...
 Committed to revision 73

 Switching 'N:\MyWorkingCopy' to 'svn://localhost/testRep/MyReposCopy'...
 B       newDir/newFile.txt
 At revision 73

 Local Path: N:\MyWorkingCopy
 URL: svn://localhost/testRep/MyReposCopy
 Repository UUID: dbe83c44-f5aa-e043-94ec-ecdf6c56480f
 Revision: 73
 Node Kind: dir
 Schedule: normal
 Last Changed Author: userName
 Last Changed Revision: 73
 Last Changed Date: Thu Jul 21 23:43:19 NOVST 2005
 Local Path: N:\MyWorkingCopy\importDir
 URL: svn://localhost/testRep/MyReposCopy/importDir
 Repository UUID: dbe83c44-f5aa-e043-94ec-ecdf6c56480f
 Revision: 73
 Node Kind: dir
 Schedule: normal
 Last Changed Author: userName
 Last Changed Revision: 71
 Last Changed Date: Thu Jul 21 23:43:15 NOVST 2005
 Local Path: N:\MyWorkingCopy\importDir\importFile.txt
 URL: svn://localhost/testRep/MyReposCopy/importDir/importFile.txt
 Repository UUID: dbe83c44-f5aa-e043-94ec-ecdf6c56480f
 Revision: 73
 Node Kind: file
 Schedule: normal
 Last Changed Author: userName
 Last Changed Revision: 71
 Last Changed Date: Thu Jul 21 23:43:15 NOVST 2005
 Properties Last Updated: Thu Jul 21 23:43:16 NOVST 2005
 Text Last Updated: Thu Jul 21 23:43:16 NOVST 2005
 Checksum: 75e9e68e21ae4453f318424738aef57e
 Local Path: N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir
 URL: svn://localhost/testRep/MyReposCopy/newDir
 Repository UUID: dbe83c44-f5aa-e043-94ec-ecdf6c56480f
 Revision: 73
 Node Kind: dir
 Schedule: normal
 Last Changed Author: userName
 Last Changed Revision: 72
 Last Changed Date: Thu Jul 21 23:43:18 NOVST 2005
 Local Path: N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir\newFile.txt
 URL: svn://localhost/testRep/MyReposCopy/newDir/newFile.txt
 Repository UUID: dbe83c44-f5aa-e043-94ec-ecdf6c56480f
 Revision: 73
 Node Kind: file
 Schedule: normal
 Last Changed Author: userName
 Last Changed Revision: 72
 Last Changed Date: Thu Jul 21 23:43:18 NOVST 2005
 Properties Last Updated: Thu Jul 21 23:43:20 NOVST 2005
 Text Last Updated: Thu Jul 21 23:43:18 NOVST 2005
 Checksum: 023b67e9660b2faabaf84b10ba32c6cf

 Scheduling 'N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir' for deletion ...
 D     newDir/newFile.txt
 D     newDir

 Status for 'N:\MyWorkingCopy':
 D          73    72    userName         N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir\newFile.txt
 D          73    72    userName         N:\MyWorkingCopy\newDir

 Committing changes for 'N:\MyWorkingCopy'...
 Deleting   newDir
 Committed to revision 74
public class WorkingCopy {
  static Logger lgr = Logger.getLogger(WorkingCopy.class);

  private static SVNClientManager ourClientManager;
  private static ISVNEventHandler myCommitEventHandler;
  private static ISVNEventHandler myUpdateEventHandler;
  private static ISVNEventHandler myWCEventHandler;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws SVNException {
     * Initializes the library (it must be done before ever using the library
     * itself)

     * Default values:

     * Assuming that 'svn://localhost/testRep' is an existing repository path.
     * SVNURL is a wrapper for URL strings that refer to repository locations.
    SVNURL repositoryURL = null;

    // changed to create a new blank repository. if repository exists is deleted
    String testDir = "test/scratch/svn-kit-test";
    File testDirFile = new File(testDir);
    if(testDirFile.exists()) gate.util.Files.rmdir(testDirFile);
    repositoryURL =
        new File(testDir + "/testRep"), null, false, true);

    String name = "userName";
    String password = "userPassword";

    String myWorkingCopyPath = testDir + "/MyWorkingCopy";

    String importDir = testDir + "/importDir";
    String importFile = importDir + "/importFile.txt";
    String importFileText =
      "This unversioned file is imported into a repository";

    String newDir = "/newDir";
    String newFile = newDir + "/newFile.txt";
    String fileText = "This is a new file added to the working copy";

    if(args != null) {
       * Obtains a URL that represents an already existing repository
      try {
        repositoryURL =
          (args.length >= 1) ? SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(args[0]) : repositoryURL;
      catch(SVNException e) {
        System.err.println("'" + args[0] + "' is not a valid URL");
       * Obtains a path to be a working copy root directory
      myWorkingCopyPath = (args.length >= 2) ? args[1] : myWorkingCopyPath;
       * Obtains an account name
      name = (args.length >= 3) ? args[2] : name;
       * Obtains a password
      password = (args.length >= 4) ? args[3] : password;

     * That's where a new directory will be created
    SVNURL url = repositoryURL.appendPath("MyRepos", false);
     * That's where '/MyRepos' will be copied to (branched)
    SVNURL copyURL = repositoryURL.appendPath("MyReposCopy", false);
     * That's where a local directory will be imported into. Note that it's not
     * necessary that the '/importDir' directory must already exist - the SVN
     * repository server will take care of creating it.
    SVNURL importToURL = url.appendPath(importDir, false);

     * Creating custom handlers that will process events
    myCommitEventHandler = new CommitEventHandler();

    myUpdateEventHandler = new UpdateEventHandler();

    myWCEventHandler = new WCEventHandler();

     * Creates a default run-time configuration options driver. Default options
     * created in this way use the Subversion run-time configuration area (for
     * instance, on a Windows platform it can be found in the
     * '%APPDATA%\Subversion' directory).
     * readonly = true - not to save any configuration changes that can be done
     * during the program run to a config file (config settings will only be
     * read to initialize; to enable changes the readonly flag should be set to
     * false).
     * SVNWCUtil is a utility class that creates a default options driver.
    ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);

     * Creates an instance of SVNClientManager providing authentication
     * information (name, password) and an options driver
    ourClientManager =
      SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions)options, name, password);

     * Sets a custom event handler for operations of an SVNCommitClient instance

     * Sets a custom event handler for operations of an SVNUpdateClient instance

     * Sets a custom event handler for operations of an SVNWCClient instance

    long committedRevision = -1;
    lgr.info("Making a new directory at '" + url + "'...");
    try {
       * creates a new version comtrolled directory in a repository and displays
       * what revision the repository was committed to
      committedRevision =
        makeDirectory(url, "making a new directory at '" + url + "'")
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while making a new directory at '" + url + "'", svne);
    lgr.info("Committed to revision " + committedRevision);

    File anImportDir = new File(importDir);
    File anImportFile = new File(anImportDir, SVNPathUtil.tail(importFile));
     * creates a new local directory - './importDir' and a new file -
     * './importDir/importFile.txt' that will be imported into the repository
     * into the '/MyRepos/importDir' directory
    createLocalDir(anImportDir, new File[]{anImportFile},
      new String[]{importFileText});

    lgr.info("Importing a new directory into '" + importToURL + "'...");
    try {
       * recursively imports an unversioned directory into a repository and
       * displays what revision the repository was committed to
      boolean isRecursive = true;
      committedRevision =
        importDirectory(anImportDir, importToURL,
          "importing a new directory '" + anImportDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'",
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while importing a new directory '"
        + anImportDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' into '" + importToURL + "'", svne);
    lgr.info("Committed to revision " + committedRevision);

     * creates a local directory where the working copy will be checked out into
    File wcDir = new File(myWorkingCopyPath);
    if(wcDir.exists()) {
      error("the destination directory '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath()
        + "' already exists!", null);

    lgr.info("Checking out a working copy from '" + url + "'...");
    try {
       * recursively checks out a working copy from url into wcDir.
       * SVNRevision.HEAD means the latest revision to be checked out.
      checkout(url, SVNRevision.HEAD, wcDir, true);
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while checking out a working copy for the location '" + url
        + "'", svne);

     * recursively displays info for wcDir at the current working revision in
     * the manner of 'svn info -R' command
    try {
      showInfo(wcDir, SVNRevision.WORKING, true);
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while recursively getting info for the working copy at'"
        + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);

    File aNewDir = new File(wcDir, newDir);
    File aNewFile = new File(aNewDir, SVNPathUtil.tail(newFile));
     * creates a new local directory - 'wcDir/newDir' and a new file -
     * '/MyWorkspace/newDir/newFile.txt'
    createLocalDir(aNewDir, new File[]{aNewFile}, new String[]{fileText});

    lgr.info("Recursively scheduling a new directory '"
      + aNewDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' for addition...");
    try {
       * recursively schedules aNewDir for addition
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while recursively adding the directory '"
        + aNewDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);

    boolean isRecursive = true;
    boolean isRemote = true;
    boolean isReportAll = false;
    boolean isIncludeIgnored = true;
    boolean isCollectParentExternals = false;
    lgr.info("Status for '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "':");
    try {
       * gets and shows status information for the WC directory. status will be
       * recursive on wcDir, will also cover the repository, won't cover
       * unmodified entries, will disregard 'svn:ignore' property ignores (if
       * any), will ignore externals definitions.
      showStatus(wcDir, isRecursive, isRemote, isReportAll, isIncludeIgnored,
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while recursively performing status for '"
        + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);

    lgr.info("Updating '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'...");
    try {
       * recursively updates wcDir to the latest revision (SVNRevision.HEAD)
      update(wcDir, SVNRevision.HEAD, true);
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while recursively updating the working copy at '"
        + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);

    lgr.info("Committing changes for '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'...");
    try {
       * commits changes in wcDir to the repository with not leaving items
       * locked (if any) after the commit succeeds; this will add aNewDir &
       * aNewFile to the repository.
      committedRevision =
        commit(wcDir, false, "'/newDir' with '/newDir/newFile.txt' were added")
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while committing changes to the working copy at '"
        + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);
    lgr.info("Committed to revision " + committedRevision);

      .println("Locking (with stealing if the entry is already locked) '"
        + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'.");
    try {
       * locks aNewFile with stealing (if it has been already locked by someone
       * else), providing a lock comment
      lock(aNewFile, true, "locking '/newDir/newFile.txt'");
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while locking the working copy file '"
        + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);

    lgr.info("Status for '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "':");
    try {
       * displays status once again to see the file is really locked
      showStatus(wcDir, isRecursive, isRemote, isReportAll, isIncludeIgnored,
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while recursively performing status for '"
        + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);

    lgr.info("Copying '" + url + "' to '" + copyURL + "'...");
    try {
       * makes a branch of url at copyURL - that is URL->URL copying with
       * history
      committedRevision =
        copy(url, copyURL, false,
          "remotely copying '" + url + "' to '" + copyURL + "'")
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while copying '" + url + "' to '" + copyURL + "'", svne);
     * displays what revision the repository was committed to
    lgr.info("Committed to revision " + committedRevision);

    lgr.info("Switching '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' to '" + copyURL
      + "'...");
    try {
       * recursively switches wcDir to copyURL in the latest revision
       * (SVNRevision.HEAD)
      switchToURL(wcDir, copyURL, SVNRevision.HEAD, true);
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while switching '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' to '"
        + copyURL + "'", svne);

     * recursively displays info for the working copy once again to see it was
     * really switched to a new URL
    try {
      showInfo(wcDir, SVNRevision.WORKING, true);
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while recursively getting info for the working copy at'"
        + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);

    lgr.info("Scheduling '" + aNewDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' for deletion ...");
    try {
       * schedules aNewDir for deletion (with forcing)
      delete(aNewDir, true);
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while schediling '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath()
        + "' for deletion", svne);

    lgr.info("Status for '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "':");
    try {
       * recursively displays status once more to see whether aNewDir was really
       * scheduled for deletion
      showStatus(wcDir, isRecursive, isRemote, isReportAll, isIncludeIgnored,
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while recursively performing status for '"
        + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);

    lgr.info("Committing changes for '" + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'...");
    try {
       * lastly commits changes in wcDir to the repository; all items that were
       * locked by the user (if any) will be unlocked after the commit succeeds;
       * this commit will remove aNewDir from the repository.
      committedRevision =
          "deleting '" + aNewDir.getAbsolutePath()
            + "' from the filesystem as well as from the repository")
    catch(SVNException svne) {
      error("error while committing changes to the working copy '"
        + wcDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", svne);
    lgr.info("Committed to revision " + committedRevision);
    // System.exit(0);

   * Initializes the library to work with a repository via different protocols.
  private static void setupLibrary() {
     * For using over http:// and https://
     * For using over svn:// and svn+xxx://

     * For using over file:///

   * Creates a new version controlled directory (doesn't create any intermediate
   * directories) right in a repository. Like 'svn mkdir URL -m "some comment"'
   * command. It's done by invoking
   * SVNCommitClient.doMkDir(SVNURL[] urls, String commitMessage)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * urls - an array of URLs that are to be created;
   * commitMessage - a commit log message since a URL-based directory creation
   * is immediately committed to a repository.
  private static SVNCommitInfo makeDirectory(SVNURL url, String commitMessage)
    throws SVNException {
     * Returns SVNCommitInfo containing information on the new revision
     * committed (revision number, etc.)
    return ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doMkDir(new SVNURL[]{url},

   * Imports an unversioned directory into a repository location denoted by a
   * destination URL (all necessary parent non-existent paths will be created
   * automatically). This operation commits the repository to a new revision.
   * Like 'svn import PATH URL (-N) -m "some comment"' command. It's done by
   * invoking
   * SVNCommitClient.doImport(File path, SVNURL dstURL, String commitMessage,
   * boolean recursive)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * path - a local unversioned directory or singal file that will be imported
   * into a repository;
   * dstURL - a repository location where the local unversioned directory/file
   * will be imported into; this URL path may contain non-existent parent paths
   * that will be created by the repository server;
   * commitMessage - a commit log message since the new directory/file are
   * immediately created in the repository;
   * recursive - if true and path parameter corresponds to a directory then the
   * directory will be added with all its child subdirictories, otherwise the
   * operation will cover only the directory itself (only those files which are
   * located in the directory).
  private static SVNCommitInfo importDirectory(File localPath, SVNURL dstURL,
    String commitMessage, boolean isRecursive) throws SVNException {
     * Returns SVNCommitInfo containing information on the new revision
     * committed (revision number, etc.)
    return ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doImport(localPath, dstURL,
      commitMessage, null, true, false, SVNDepth.fromRecurse(isRecursive));


   * Committs changes in a working copy to a repository. Like 'svn commit PATH
   * -m "some comment"' command. It's done by invoking
   * SVNCommitClient.doCommit(File[] paths, boolean keepLocks, String
   * commitMessage, boolean force, boolean recursive)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * paths - working copy paths which changes are to be committed;
   * keepLocks - if true then doCommit(..) won't unlock locked paths; otherwise
   * they will be unlocked after a successful commit;
   * commitMessage - a commit log message;
   * force - if true then a non-recursive commit will be forced anyway;
   * recursive - if true and a path corresponds to a directory then doCommit(..)
   * recursively commits changes for the entire directory, otherwise - only for
   * child entries of the directory;
  private static SVNCommitInfo commit(File wcPath, boolean keepLocks,
    String commitMessage) throws SVNException {
     * Returns SVNCommitInfo containing information on the new revision
     * committed (revision number, etc.)
    return ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doCommit(new File[]{wcPath},
      keepLocks, commitMessage, null, null, false, false,

   * Checks out a working copy from a repository. Like 'svn checkout URL[@REV]
   * PATH (-r..)' command; It's done by invoking
   * SVNUpdateClient.doCheckout(SVNURL url, File dstPath, SVNRevision
   * pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * url - a repository location from where a working copy is to be checked out;
   * dstPath - a local path where the working copy will be fetched into;
   * pegRevision - an SVNRevision representing a revision to concretize url
   * (what exactly URL a user means and is sure of being the URL he needs); in
   * other words that is the revision in which the URL is first looked up;
   * revision - a revision at which a working copy being checked out is to be;
   * recursive - if true and url corresponds to a directory then doCheckout(..)
   * recursively fetches out the entire directory, otherwise - only child
   * entries of the directory;
  private static long checkout(SVNURL url, SVNRevision revision, File destPath,
    boolean isRecursive) throws SVNException {

    SVNUpdateClient updateClient = ourClientManager.getUpdateClient();
     * sets externals not to be ignored during the checkout
     * returns the number of the revision at which the working copy is
    return updateClient.doCheckout(url, destPath, revision, revision,
      isRecursive ? SVNDepth.INFINITY : SVNDepth.EMPTY, false);

   * Updates a working copy (brings changes from the repository into the working
   * copy). Like 'svn update PATH' command; It's done by invoking
   * SVNUpdateClient.doUpdate(File file, SVNRevision revision, boolean
   * recursive)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * file - a working copy entry that is to be updated;
   * revision - a revision to which a working copy is to be updated;
   * recursive - if true and an entry is a directory then doUpdate(..)
   * recursively updates the entire directory, otherwise - only child entries of
   * the directory;
  private static long update(File wcPath, SVNRevision updateToRevision,
    boolean isRecursive) throws SVNException {

    SVNUpdateClient updateClient = ourClientManager.getUpdateClient();
     * sets externals not to be ignored during the update
     * returns the number of the revision wcPath was updated to
    return updateClient.doUpdate(wcPath, updateToRevision, SVNDepth
      .fromRecurse(isRecursive), false, false);

   * Updates a working copy to a different URL. Like 'svn switch URL' command.
   * It's done by invoking
   * SVNUpdateClient.doSwitch(File file, SVNURL url, SVNRevision revision,
   * boolean recursive)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * file - a working copy entry that is to be switched to a new url;
   * url - a target URL a working copy is to be updated against;
   * revision - a revision to which a working copy is to be updated;
   * recursive - if true and an entry (file) is a directory then doSwitch(..)
   * recursively switches the entire directory, otherwise - only child entries
   * of the directory;
  private static long switchToURL(File wcPath, SVNURL url,
    SVNRevision updateToRevision, boolean isRecursive) throws SVNException {
    SVNUpdateClient updateClient = ourClientManager.getUpdateClient();
     * sets externals not to be ignored during the switch
     * returns the number of the revision wcPath was updated to
    return updateClient.doSwitch(wcPath, url, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED,
      updateToRevision, SVNDepth.fromRecurse(isRecursive), false, false);

   * Collects status information on local path(s). Like 'svn status (-u) (-N)'
   * command. It's done by invoking
   * SVNStatusClient.doStatus(File path, boolean recursive, boolean remote,
   * boolean reportAll, boolean includeIgnored, boolean collectParentExternals,
   * ISVNStatusHandler handler)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * path - an entry which status info to be gathered;
   * recursive - if true and an entry is a directory then doStatus(..) collects
   * status info not only for that directory but for each item inside stepping
   * down recursively;
   * remote - if true then doStatus(..) will cover the repository (not only the
   * working copy) as well to find out what entries are out of date;
   * reportAll - if true then doStatus(..) will also include unmodified entries;
   * includeIgnored - if true then doStatus(..) will also include entries being
   * ignored;
   * collectParentExternals - if true then externals definitions won't be
   * ignored;
   * handler - an implementation of ISVNStatusHandler to process status info per
   * each entry doStatus(..) traverses; such info is collected in an SVNStatus
   * object and is passed to a handler's handleStatus(SVNStatus status) method
   * where an implementor decides what to do with it.
  private static void showStatus(File wcPath, boolean isRecursive,
    boolean isRemote, boolean isReportAll, boolean isIncludeIgnored,
    boolean isCollectParentExternals) throws SVNException {
     * StatusHandler displays status information for each entry in the console
     * (in the manner of the native Subversion command line client)
    ourClientManager.getStatusClient().doStatus(wcPath, SVNRevision.HEAD,
      SVNDepth.fromRecurse(isRecursive), isRemote, isReportAll,
      isIncludeIgnored, isCollectParentExternals, new StatusHandler(isRemote),

   * Collects information on local path(s). Like 'svn info (-R)' command. It's
   * done by invoking
   * SVNWCClient.doInfo(File path, SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive,
   * ISVNInfoHandler handler)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * path - a local entry for which info will be collected;
   * revision - a revision of an entry which info is interested in; if it's not
   * WORKING then info is got from a repository;
   * recursive - if true and an entry is a directory then doInfo(..) collects
   * info not only for that directory but for each item inside stepping down
   * recursively;
   * handler - an implementation of ISVNInfoHandler to process info per each
   * entry doInfo(..) traverses; such info is collected in an SVNInfo object and
   * is passed to a handler's handleInfo(SVNInfo info) method where an
   * implementor decides what to do with it.
  private static void showInfo(File wcPath, SVNRevision revision,
    boolean isRecursive) throws SVNException {
     * InfoHandler displays information for each entry in the console (in the
     * manner of the native Subversion command line client)
    ourClientManager.getWCClient().doInfo(wcPath, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED,
      revision, SVNDepth.fromRecurse(isRecursive), null, new InfoHandler());

   * Puts directories and files under version control scheduling them for
   * addition to a repository. They will be added in a next commit. Like 'svn
   * add PATH' command. It's done by invoking
   * SVNWCClient.doAdd(File path, boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean
   * climbUnversionedParents, boolean recursive)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * path - an entry to be scheduled for addition;
   * force - set to true to force an addition of an entry anyway;
   * mkdir - if true doAdd(..) creates an empty directory at path and schedules
   * it for addition, like 'svn mkdir PATH' command;
   * climbUnversionedParents - if true and the parent of the entry to be
   * scheduled for addition is not under version control, then doAdd(..)
   * automatically schedules the parent for addition, too;
   * recursive - if true and an entry is a directory then doAdd(..) recursively
   * schedules all its inner dir entries for addition as well.
  private static void addEntry(File wcPath) throws SVNException {
    ourClientManager.getWCClient().doAdd(wcPath, false, false, false,
      SVNDepth.fromRecurse(true), false, false);

   * Locks working copy paths, so that no other user can commit changes to them.
   * Like 'svn lock PATH' command. It's done by invoking
   * SVNWCClient.doLock(File[] paths, boolean stealLock, String lockMessage)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * paths - an array of local entries to be locked;
   * stealLock - set to true to steal the lock from another user or working
   * copy;
   * lockMessage - an optional lock comment string.
  private static void lock(File wcPath, boolean isStealLock, String lockComment)
    throws SVNException {
    ourClientManager.getWCClient().doLock(new File[]{wcPath}, isStealLock,

   * Schedules directories and files for deletion from version control upon the
   * next commit (locally). Like 'svn delete PATH' command. It's done by
   * invoking
   * SVNWCClient.doDelete(File path, boolean force, boolean dryRun)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * path - an entry to be scheduled for deletion;
   * force - a boolean flag which is set to true to force a deletion even if an
   * entry has local modifications;
   * dryRun - set to true not to delete an entry but to check if it can be
   * deleted; if false - then it's a deletion itself.
  private static void delete(File wcPath, boolean force) throws SVNException {
    ourClientManager.getWCClient().doDelete(wcPath, force, false);

   * Duplicates srcURL to dstURL (URL->URL)in a repository remembering history.
   * Like 'svn copy srcURL dstURL -m "some comment"' command. It's done by
   * invoking
   * doCopy(SVNURL srcURL, SVNRevision srcRevision, SVNURL dstURL, boolean
   * isMove, String commitMessage)
   * which takes the following parameters:
   * srcURL - a source URL that is to be copied;
   * srcRevision - a definite revision of srcURL
   * dstURL - a URL where srcURL will be copied; if srcURL & dstURL are both
   * directories then there are two cases: a) dstURL already exists - then
   * doCopy(..) will duplicate the entire source directory and put it inside
   * dstURL (for example, consider srcURL = svn://localhost/rep/MyRepos, dstURL
   * = svn://localhost/rep/MyReposCopy, in this case if doCopy(..) succeeds
   * MyRepos will be in MyReposCopy - svn://localhost/rep/MyReposCopy/MyRepos);
   * b) dstURL doesn't exist yet - then doCopy(..) will create a directory and
   * recursively copy entries from srcURL into dstURL (for example, consider the
   * same srcURL = svn://localhost/rep/MyRepos, dstURL =
   * svn://localhost/rep/MyReposCopy, in this case if doCopy(..) succeeds
   * MyRepos entries will be in MyReposCopy, like:
   * svn://localhost/rep/MyRepos/Dir1 ->
   * svn://localhost/rep/MyReposCopy/Dir1...);
   * isMove - if false then srcURL is only copied to dstURL what corresponds to
   * 'svn copy srcURL dstURL -m "some comment"'; but if it's true then srcURL
   * will be copied and deleted - 'svn move srcURL dstURL -m "some comment"';
   * commitMessage - a commit log message since URL->URL copying is immediately
   * committed to a repository.
  private static SVNCommitInfo copy(SVNURL srcURL, SVNURL dstURL,
    boolean isMove, String commitMessage) throws SVNException {
     * SVNRevision.HEAD means the latest revision. Returns SVNCommitInfo
     * containing information on the new revision committed (revision number,
     * etc.)

    // return ourClientManager.getCopyClient().doCopy(srcURL, SVNRevision.HEAD,
    // dstURL, isMove, commitMessage);
    // introduced to support SVNKit 1.2.0
    SVNCopySource source =
      new SVNCopySource(SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, SVNRevision.HEAD, srcURL);
    return ourClientManager.getCopyClient().doCopy(new SVNCopySource[]{source}, /*
                                                                                 * source
                                                                                 * of
                                                                                 * the
                                                                                 * copy
    dstURL, isMove, /* makeParents= */false, /* failWhenDstExists= */true,
      commitMessage, /* revisionProperties= */null);

   * Displays error information and exits.
  private static void error(String message, Exception e) {
    System.err.println(message + (e != null ? ": " + e.getMessage() : ""));

   * This method does not relate to SVNKit API. Just a method which creates
   * local directories and files :)
  public static final void createLocalDir(File aNewDir, File[] localFiles,
    String[] fileContents) {
    if(!aNewDir.mkdirs()) {
      error("failed to create a new directory '" + aNewDir.getAbsolutePath()
        + "'.", null);
    for(int i = 0; i < localFiles.length; i++) {
      File aNewFile = localFiles[i];
      try {
        if(!aNewFile.createNewFile()) {
          error("failed to create a new file '" + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath()
            + "'.", null);
      catch(IOException ioe) {
        error("error while creating a new file '" + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath()
          + "'", ioe);

      String contents = null;
      if(i > fileContents.length - 1) {
      contents = fileContents[i];

       * writing a text into the file
      FileOutputStream fos = null;
      try {
        fos = new FileOutputStream(aNewFile);
      catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
        error("the file '" + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not found",
      catch(IOException ioe) {
        error("error while writing into the file '"
          + aNewFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", ioe);
      finally {
        if(fos != null) {
          try {
          catch(IOException ioe) {