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HomegatepluginsTagger_PennBiosrceduupenncistaggersvariation 〉 VariationSentence2TokenSequence.java
/* Copyright (C) 2002 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
 This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
 This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
 version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org.  For further
 information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */

 @author Ryan McDonald <a href="mailto:ryantm@cis.upenn.edu">ryantm@cis.upenn.edu</a>

package edu.upenn.cis.taggers.variation;

import java.io.Serializable;

import edu.umass.cs.mallet.base.pipe.Pipe;
import edu.umass.cs.mallet.base.types.Instance;
import edu.umass.cs.mallet.base.types.LabelAlphabet;
import edu.umass.cs.mallet.base.types.LabelSequence;
import edu.umass.cs.mallet.base.types.Token;
import edu.umass.cs.mallet.base.types.TokenSequence;

public class VariationSentence2TokenSequence extends Pipe implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 25275L;

    public VariationSentence2TokenSequence() {
        super(null, LabelAlphabet.class);

    /* Lines look like this:
     allele O
     - O
     specific O
     for O
     activating O
     mutations B-type
     at O
     the O
     12th B-location
     , O
     13th B-location
     , O
     and O
     codons B-location
     of O
     three O

    public Instance pipe(Instance carrier) {
        String sentenceLines = (String) carrier.getData();
        String[] tokens = sentenceLines.split("\n");
        TokenSequence data = new TokenSequence(tokens.length);
        LabelSequence target = new LabelSequence((LabelAlphabet) getTargetAlphabet(), tokens.length);

        String prevLabel = "NOLABEL";
        String word, label, bit;
        String[] words = new String[tokens.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            if (tokens[i].length() != 0) {
                String[] features = tokens[i].split("\t");
                if (features.length != 2)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Line \"" + sentenceLines + " " + tokens[i] + "\" doesn't have 2 elements");
                word = features[0]; // .toLowerCase();
                label = features[1];
            } else {
                word = "-<S>-";
                label = "O";

            words[i] = word;

            if (label.startsWith("I-state-altered"))
                label = "I-state-altered";
            else if (label.startsWith("B-state-altered"))
                label = "B-state-altered";
            else if (label.startsWith("I-state-original"))
                label = "I-state-original";
            else if (label.startsWith("B-state-original"))
                label = "B-state-original";
            else if (label.startsWith("I-type"))
                label = "I-type";
            else if (label.startsWith("B-type"))
                label = "B-type";
            else if (label.startsWith("I-location"))
                label = "I-location";
            else if (label.startsWith("B-location"))
                label = "B-location";
                label = "O";

            Token token = new Token(word);

            // Append

        return carrier;
