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HomegatepluginsParser_RASP 〉 rasp.license.txt
The RASP system is derived in part from portions of the Alvey NL Tools;
see <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/NL/anlt.html>. Development of the
RASP system was funded by the UK EPSRC within the project "Robust
Accurate Statistical Parsing (RASP)" (grants GR/N36462 and GR/N36493).

The system is distributed for non-commercial use, and without any
guarantee of support. We do however welcome reports of bugs or
shortcomings; also fixes or work-rounds sent as email. But before
reporting a bug, please read the documentation for the software and
grammar since the behaviour may already be known about, or be an
intentional feature. You can contact the RASP developers by emailing
rasp @ informatics.sussex.ac.uk

More extensive support and advice is available on a paid consultancy