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HomegatepluginsLang_Welshsrcwnltmorph 〉 WelshMorph.java
 *  WelshMorph.java
 *  This file is part of Welsh Natural Language Toolkit (WNLT)
 *  (see http://gate.ac.uk/), and is free software, licenced under 
 *  the GNU Library General Public License, Version 2, June 1991

package wnlt.morph;

import gate.Annotation;
import gate.AnnotationSet;
import gate.Factory;
import gate.Factory.DuplicationContext;
import gate.FeatureMap;
import gate.Gate;
import gate.ProcessingResource;
import gate.Resource;
import gate.Utils;
import gate.creole.AbstractLanguageAnalyser;
import gate.creole.CustomDuplication;
import gate.creole.ExecutionException;
import gate.creole.ExecutionInterruptedException;
import gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException;
import gate.creole.Transducer;
import gate.creole.gazetteer.DefaultGazetteer;
import gate.creole.gazetteer.FlexibleGazetteer;
import gate.creole.metadata.CreoleParameter;
import gate.creole.metadata.CreoleResource;
import gate.creole.metadata.Optional;
import gate.creole.metadata.RunTime;
import gate.event.ProgressListener;
import gate.event.StatusListener;
import gate.util.Benchmark;
import gate.util.Benchmarkable;
import gate.util.GateRuntimeException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import wnlt.LexiconCY;

 * Description: This class is a wrapper for {@link wnlt.morph.Interpret},
 * the Morphological Analyzer. The class is based on and modifies for the 
 * purposes of the Welsh Natural Language Toolkit the Morph class
 * of the GATE Morphological analyser. 
 * @author Andreas Vlachidis 20/03/2016

@CreoleResource(name = "Welsh Morphological Analyser",
        comment = "Morphological Analyzer of the Welsh Natural Language Toolkit", icon="welsh_lemmatiser.png")
public class WelshMorph
    extends AbstractLanguageAnalyser
    implements ProcessingResource, CustomDuplication, Benchmarkable {

  // note that this package could probably be simplified as the only modified
  // class from the original is Interpret so we may be able to just use the
  // existing classes, but for safety we currently use an entire copy, although
  // this may make bug fixing harder in the future
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 6964689654685956128L;

  /** File which contains rules to be processed */
  protected URL rulesFile;

  /** Instance of BaseWord class - Welsh Morpher */
  protected Interpret interpret;

  /** Feature Name that should be displayed for the root word */
  protected String rootFeatureName;

  /** Feature Name that should be displayed for the affix */
  protected String affixFeatureName;

  /** The name of the annotation set used for input */
  protected String annotationSetName;

  /** Boolean value that tells if parser should behave in caseSensitive mode */
  protected Boolean caseSensitive;
  /** Boolean value that checks if the required Part of Speech input is available  */
  protected Boolean considerPOSTag;
   * If this Morph PR is a duplicate of an existing PR, this property
   * will hold a reference to the original PR's Interpret instance.
  protected Interpret existingInterpret;
  /** Lexicon of lemmas : read from an external file */ 
  protected LexiconCY lexicon;
  /** Path to the lexicon containing word lemmas*/
  public static final String
  /** Encoding of lexicon and gazetteer lists*/
  public static final String
  /** Post process transducer and gazeteer*/
  public static final String
  /** Name of input Annotation Set*/
  public static final String
  /** Name of output Annotation Set*/
  public static final String
  /** Path to gazetteer lists file*/
  public static final String
  /** Path to Post-processing JAPE transducer for mutation behaviour */
  public static final String
  /** Path to validation JAPE transducer of proposed mutations*/
  public static final String
    comment = "Throw and exception when there are none of the required input annotations",
    defaultValue = "true")  
  public void setFailOnMissingInputAnnotations(Boolean fail) {
    failOnMissingInputAnnotations = fail;
  public Boolean getFailOnMissingInputAnnotations() {
    return failOnMissingInputAnnotations;
  protected Boolean failOnMissingInputAnnotations = false;
  protected Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());  
  /** Default Constructor */
  public WelshMorph() {

   * This method creates the instance of the BaseWord - Welsh Morpher and
   * returns the instance of current class with different attributes and
   * the instance of BaseWord class wrapped into it. 
   * The method also instantiates the post-processing transducer,    
   * and mutation validation gazetteer and transducer  
   * @return Resource
   * @throws ResourceInstantiationException
  public Resource init() throws ResourceInstantiationException {
    interpret = new Interpret();
    if(existingInterpret != null) {
    else {
      if (rulesFile == null) {
        // no rule file is there, simply run the interpret to interpret it and
        throw new ResourceInstantiationException("\n\n No Rule File Provided");
      fireStatusChanged("Reading Rule File...");
      // compile the rules
      interpret.init(rulesFile, getLexiconURL(), getEncoding());
      fireStatusChanged("Morpher created!");
    //create Transducer and Gazetteer
    FeatureMap params;
    FeatureMap features;

    params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    if(gazetteerListsURL != null)
    params.put(DefaultGazetteer.DEF_GAZ_ENCODING_PARAMETER_NAME, encoding);
    params.put(DefaultGazetteer.DEF_GAZ_CASE_SENSITIVE_PARAMETER_NAME, "false");

    if (gazetteer == null) {
      fireStatusChanged("Creating the gazetteer");
      features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
      Gate.setHiddenAttribute(features, true);

      gazetteer = (DefaultGazetteer)Factory.createResource(
              params, features);
      gazetteer.setName("Gazetteer " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    else {
  //create a flexible gazetteer
   params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
   List<String> inputFeatures = new ArrayList<String>();
   String rootFeature = "Token." + this.getRootFeatureName();
   //Token.altLemma is used for additional cases of mutation e.g (f) from (m or b)  
   params.put("inputFeatureNames", inputFeatures);
   if (flexigazetteer == null) {
	   	fireStatusChanged("Creating the Flexible Gazetteer");
	   	features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
	   	Gate.setHiddenAttribute(features, true);
    	flexigazetteer = (FlexibleGazetteer) Factory.createResource(
                "gate.creole.gazetteer.FlexibleGazetteer", params, features);
    	flexigazetteer.setName("FlexibleGazetteer " + System.currentTimeMillis());
   else {

    params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    if(transducerURL != null)
      params.put(Transducer.TRANSD_GRAMMAR_URL_PARAMETER_NAME, transducerURL);
    params.put(Transducer.TRANSD_ENCODING_PARAMETER_NAME, encoding);

    if (transducer == null) {
      fireStatusChanged("Creating the JAPE transducer");
      features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
      Gate.setHiddenAttribute(features, true);

      transducer = (Transducer)Factory.createResource(
              params, features);
      transducer.setName("Transducer " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    else {
    params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    if(transducerURL != null)
      params.put(Transducer.TRANSD_GRAMMAR_URL_PARAMETER_NAME, validationTransducerURL);
      params.put(Transducer.TRANSD_ENCODING_PARAMETER_NAME, encoding);
    if (validator == null) {
        fireStatusChanged("Creating the JAPE validator transducer");
        features = Factory.newFeatureMap();
        Gate.setHiddenAttribute(features, true);

        validator = (Transducer)Factory.createResource(
                params, features);
        validator.setName("Transducer validator " + System.currentTimeMillis());
      else {
    return this;

   * Method is executed after the init() method has finished its execution.
   * <BR>Method does the following operations:
   * <OL type="1">
   * <LI> creates the annotationSet
   * <LI> fetches word tokens from the document, one at a time
   * <LI> runs the morpher on each individual word token
   * <LI> finds the root and the affix for that word
   * <LI> adds them as features to the current token
   * @throws ExecutionException
  public void cleanup() {
  public void execute() throws ExecutionException {
    // lets start the progress and initialize the progress counter

    // If no document provided to process throw an exception
    if (document == null) {
      throw new GateRuntimeException("No document to process!");

    // get the annotationSet name provided by the user, or otherwise use the
    // default method
    AnnotationSet inputAs = (annotationSetName == null ||
        annotationSetName.length() == 0) ?
        document.getAnnotations() :

    // Morpher requires tokenizer to be run before running the Morpher
    // Fetch tokens from the document
    AnnotationSet tokens = inputAs.get(TOKEN_ANNOTATION_TYPE);
    if (tokens == null || tokens.isEmpty()) {
      if(failOnMissingInputAnnotations) {
        throw new ExecutionException("Either "+document.getName()+" does not have any contents or \n run the POS Tagger first and then Morpher");
      } else {
        Utils.logOnce(logger,Level.INFO,"Morphological analyser: either a document does not have any contents or run the POS Tagger first - see debug log for details.");
        logger.debug("No input annotations in document "+document.getName());
      //javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainFrame.getInstance(), "Either "+document.getName()+" does not have any contents or \n run the POS Tagger first and then Morpher"); ;

    // create iterator to get access to each and every individual token
    Iterator<Annotation> tokensIter = tokens.iterator();

    // variables used to keep track on progress
    int tokenSize = tokens.size();
    int tokensProcessed = 0;
    int lastReport = 0;

    //lets process each token one at a time
    while (tokensIter != null && tokensIter.hasNext()) {
      Annotation currentToken = tokensIter.next();
      String tokenValue = (String) (currentToken.getFeatures().
      if(considerPOSTag != null && considerPOSTag.booleanValue() && !currentToken.getFeatures().containsKey(TOKEN_CATEGORY_FEATURE_NAME)) {
        if(failOnMissingInputAnnotations) {
          throw new ExecutionException("please run the POS Tagger first and then Morpher");
        } else {
          Utils.logOnce(logger,Level.INFO,"Morphological analyser: no input annotations, run the POS Tagger first - see debug log for details.");
          logger.debug("No input annotations in document "+document.getName());
        //javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainFrame.getInstance(), "please run the POS Tagger first and then Morpher"); ;

      String posCategory = (String) (currentToken.getFeatures().get(TOKEN_CATEGORY_FEATURE_NAME));
      if(posCategory == null) {
        posCategory = "*";

      if(considerPOSTag == null || !considerPOSTag.booleanValue()) {
        posCategory = "*";

      // run the Morpher
      if(!caseSensitive.booleanValue()) {
        tokenValue = tokenValue.toLowerCase();

      String baseWord = interpret.runMorpher(tokenValue, posCategory);
      String affixWord = interpret.getAffix();

      // no need to add affix feature if it is null
      if (affixWord != null) {
        currentToken.getFeatures().put(affixFeatureName, affixWord);
      // add the root word as a feature
      currentToken.getFeatures().put(rootFeatureName, baseWord);

      // measure the progress and update every after 100 tokens
      if(tokensProcessed - lastReport > 100){
        lastReport = tokensProcessed;
        fireProgressChanged(tokensProcessed * 100 /tokenSize);
    //execute Transducer and Gazetteer
    interrupted = false;
    //set the runtime parameters
    FeatureMap params;
    if(inputASName != null && inputASName.equals("")) inputASName = null;
    if(outputASName != null && outputASName.equals("")) outputASName = null;
      params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
      params.put(DefaultGazetteer.DEF_GAZ_DOCUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME, document);
      params.put(DefaultGazetteer.DEF_GAZ_ANNOT_SET_PARAMETER_NAME, inputASName);

      params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
      params.put(Transducer.TRANSD_DOCUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME, document);
      params.put(Transducer.TRANSD_INPUT_AS_PARAMETER_NAME, inputASName);
      params.put(Transducer.TRANSD_OUTPUT_AS_PARAMETER_NAME, inputASName);
    }catch(Exception e){
      throw new ExecutionException(e);
    ProgressListener pListener = null;
    StatusListener sListener = null;

    //run the gazetteer
    if(isInterrupted()) throw new ExecutionInterruptedException(
        "The execution of the \"" + getName() +
        "\" morphological analyser has been abruptly interrupted!");
    pListener = new IntervalProgressListener(5, 10);
    sListener = new StatusListener(){
      public void statusChanged(String text){
    //run the transducer
    if(isInterrupted()) throw new ExecutionInterruptedException(
        "The execution of the \"" + getName() +
        "\" morphological analyser has been abruptly interrupted!");
    pListener = new IntervalProgressListener(11, 90);
                    getBenchmarkId()), this, null);
    // end execute Transducer and Gazetteer
    if(isInterrupted()) throw new ExecutionInterruptedException(
        "The execution of the \"" + getName() +
        "\" morphological analyser has been abruptly interrupted!");
    pListener = new IntervalProgressListener(50, 100);
                    getBenchmarkId()), this, null);
    //End Transducer Execute
    // Execute Flexi Gazetteer
    // process finished, acknowledge user about this.

   * This method should only be called after init()
   * @param word
   * @return the rootWord
  public String findBaseWord(String word, String cat) {
    return interpret.runMorpher(word, cat);

   * This method should only be called after init()
   * @param word
   * @return the afix of the rootWord
  public String findAffix(String word, String cat) {
    interpret.runMorpher(word, cat);
    return interpret.getAffix();

   * Sets the rule file to be processed
   * @param rulesFile - rule File name to be processed
  @CreoleParameter(comment = "File which defines rules for the morphological analysis", defaultValue = "resources/morph/default.rul")
  public void setRulesFile(URL rulesFile) {
    this.rulesFile = rulesFile;

   * Returns the document under process
  public URL getRulesFile() {
    return this.rulesFile;

   * Returns the feature name that has been currently set to display the root
   * word
  public String getRootFeatureName() {
    return rootFeatureName;

   * Sets the feature name that should be displayed for the root word
   * @param rootFeatureName
  @CreoleParameter(comment="Name of the variable which shows the root word",defaultValue="lemma")
  public void setRootFeatureName(String rootFeatureName) {
    this.rootFeatureName = rootFeatureName;

   * Returns the feature name that has been currently set to display the affix
   * word
  public String getAffixFeatureName() {
    return affixFeatureName;

   * Sets the feature name that should be displayed for the affix
   * @param affixFeatureName
  @CreoleParameter(comment="Name of the affix variable", defaultValue="affix")
  public void setAffixFeatureName(String affixFeatureName) {
    this.affixFeatureName = affixFeatureName;

   * Returns the name of the AnnotationSet that has been provided to create
   * the AnnotationSet
  public String getAnnotationSetName() {
    return annotationSetName;

   * Sets the AnnonationSet name, that is used to create the AnnotationSet
   * @param annotationSetName
  @CreoleParameter(comment="The name of the annotation set used for input")
  public void setAnnotationSetName(String annotationSetName) {
    this.annotationSetName = annotationSetName;

   * A method which returns if the parser is in caseSenstive mode
   * @return a {@link Boolean} value.
  public Boolean getCaseSensitive() {
    return this.caseSensitive;

   * Sets the caseSensitive value, that is used to tell parser if it should
   * convert document to lowercase before parsing
  @CreoleParameter(comment="If parser should be converted to lowercase first", defaultValue="false")
  public void setCaseSensitive(java.lang.Boolean value) {
    this.caseSensitive = value;
   * A method which returns if Part of Speech input is present
   * @return a {@link Boolean} value.
  public Boolean getConsiderPOSTag() {
    return this.considerPOSTag;
   * Sets the result of checking for Part of Speech input availability
  @CreoleParameter(comment="If parser should consider POS Tag prior to running Morph", defaultValue="true")
  public void setConsiderPOSTag(Boolean value) {
    this.considerPOSTag = value;
   * Only for use by the duplication mechanism.
  public void setExistingInterpret(Interpret existingInterpret) {
    this.existingInterpret = existingInterpret;

   * Duplicate this morpher, sharing the compiled regular expression
   * patterns and finite state machine with the duplicate.
  public Resource duplicate(DuplicationContext ctx)
          throws ResourceInstantiationException {
    String className = this.getClass().getName();
    String resName = this.getName();
    FeatureMap initParams = getInitParameterValues();
    initParams.put("existingInterpret", interpret);
    Resource res = Factory.createResource(className, initParams, this.getFeatures(), resName);
    return res;
   * Sets the location of the lexicon responsible for providing word lemmas
  @CreoleParameter(comment="The URL to the lexicon file", defaultValue="resources/morph/lexicon")
  public void setLexiconURL(java.net.URL lexiconURL) {
    this.lexiconURL = lexiconURL;
  public java.net.URL getLexiconURL() {
    return this.lexiconURL;
  protected URL lexiconURL;
   * Sets the encoding of the lexicon responsible for providing word lemmas
  @CreoleParameter(comment="The encoding used for lexicon", defaultValue="UTF-8")
  public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
    this.encoding = encoding;
  public String getEncoding() {
	    return this.encoding;
  protected String encoding;
   * Notifies all the PRs in this controller that they should stop their
   * execution as soon as possible.
  public synchronized void interrupt(){
    interrupted = true;
   * Sets the location of post-processing transducer
  @CreoleParameter(defaultValue="resources/morph/grammar/postprocess.jape", comment="The URL to the custom Jape grammar file", suffixes="jape")
  public void setTransducerURL(java.net.URL newTransducerURL) {
    transducerURL = newTransducerURL;
   * Returns the location of post-processing transducer
  public java.net.URL getTransducerURL() {
    return transducerURL;
   * Sets the location of mutations validation transducer
  @CreoleParameter(defaultValue="resources/morph/grammar/validation-main.jape", comment="The URL to the custom Jape grammar file", suffixes="jape")
  public void setValidationTransducerURL(java.net.URL newValidationTransducerURL) {
	 validationTransducerURL = newValidationTransducerURL;
   * Returns the location of mutations validation transducer
  public java.net.URL getValidationTransducerURL() {
    return validationTransducerURL;
  DefaultGazetteer gazetteer;
  Transducer transducer;
  Transducer validator;
  FlexibleGazetteer flexigazetteer;
  private java.net.URL transducerURL;
  private java.net.URL validationTransducerURL;
  private java.net.URL gazetteerListsURL;
   * Sets the location of gazetteer list used for validating mutations suggested by post-processing
  @CreoleParameter(defaultValue="resources/morph/gazetteer/lists.def", comment="The URL to the custom list lookup definition file", suffixes="def")
  public void setGazetteerListsURL(java.net.URL newGazetteerListsURL) {
    gazetteerListsURL = newGazetteerListsURL;
  public java.net.URL getGazetteerListsURL() {
    return gazetteerListsURL;
  //end transducer and gazetteer 
  private String benchmarkId;
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see gate.util.Benchmarkable#setBenchmarkId(java.lang.String)
  public void setBenchmarkId(String benchmarkId) {
    this.benchmarkId = benchmarkId;
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see gate.util.Benchmarkable#getBenchmarkId()
  public String getBenchmarkId() {
    if(benchmarkId == null) {
      return getName();
    else {
      return benchmarkId;
  private String inputASName;
  private String outputASName;