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HomegatepluginsLang_Chineseresourcesgrammar 〉 grammar_notes.txt
	Lookup.majorType==date  (This includes items in the following lists:
	adbc + century
	adbc + century + century_suffix
	decade +decade_suffix
	century +decade
	century +decade+decade_suffix
	month + month_suffix
	month + date
	year + month + date
	year + month + date +day
	year + season
	year + festival
	year + year_suffix
	digits + year_key (digits consists of 1 to 4 items from the digit.lst)
	digits + year_key + year_suffix (digits consists of 1 to 4 items from the digit.lst)
	adbc + year
	adbc + digits + year_key 

	Lookup.majorType==location (This includes items in the following lists:
city_abbrev/city_china/city_world/country/country_abbrev/county/county_abbrev/facility/loc_relig/ mountain/province/province_abbrev/region/river/state/town)
	Token.String includes an item in loc_key.lst
	Locations can be combined together to form a location. 

	number + currency_unit
	money_prefix + number
	money_prefix + number + currency_unit
	number_unit + currency_unit

	Lookup.majorType==organization (This includes items in the following lists:
association/ company/ company_CHN/ company_media/ government/ org_sport/ organization/ university)
	Token.String includes an item in org_key.lst
	org_prefix + organization

	Lookup.majorType==person (This includes items in the following lists:

Chinese name
	surname + firstname (1 or 2 characters) (title appears before surname or after firstname)
	surname + person_ending
	surname + firstname (1 or 2 characters) ( person_ending appears after firstname)

Foreign name
	forename + �.� + s_name  (forename consists of items from male.lst or female.lst)
	forename + s_name  (forename consists of items from male.lst or female.lst)
	s_name (title appears before or after)
	s_name (person_ending appears after)

	Lookup.majorType==percent (This includes items in percent.lst)
	percent_pre + number
	number + percent_end

	Lookup.majorType==number (This includes items in number.lst)
	zero + point + number
	digit + number_unit
	digit + point + number
	digit + point + zero + number
	digit + point + digit + number
	number + point + zero + number
	number + zero + number
	number + more + number_unit
	numbers can be combined together to form a number.

The longest string gets the highest priority.
For example,
century +decade
century +decade+decade_suffix

both construct a �DATE�, but �century +decade+decade_suffix� gets the higher priority.

Another example, if locations are not separated words or symbols, they (the whole string) must be marked as a location.