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HomegatepluginsGazetteer_LKBsrccomontotextkimmodel 〉 DataFeedFactory.java
package com.ontotext.kim.model;

import gate.util.Files;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.openrdf.repository.http.PrivateRepositoryFeed;

import com.ontotext.kim.client.GetService;
import com.ontotext.kim.client.KIMService;
import com.ontotext.kim.client.query.KIMQueryException;
import com.ontotext.kim.client.semanticrepository.QueryResultListener;
import com.ontotext.kim.client.semanticrepository.QueryResultListener.Feed;
import com.ontotext.kim.client.semanticrepository.SemanticRepositoryAPI;
import com.ontotext.kim.gate.SettingsHashBuilder;
import com.ontotext.kim.util.datastore.GazetteerListFeed;

 * @author mnozchev
public class DataFeedFactory {

	private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DataFeedFactory.class);

	 * The DummyFeed allows to return a valid feed even there's no configuration for one.
	 * That way, the dictionary can be initialized successfully if the feed is not 
	 * required because there is a cache file already.
	 * @author mnozchev
	private static class DummyFeed implements Feed {

		private final File dictionaryPath;

		public DummyFeed(File dictionaryPath) {
			this.dictionaryPath = dictionaryPath;

		public void feedTo(QueryResultListener listener) throws KIMQueryException {
			String configPath = new File(dictionaryPath, Options.getConfigFileName()).getAbsolutePath();
			throw new KIMQueryException("Could not find a valid configuration file. Please check if " + configPath + " exists.");			

	public Feed createFeed(File dictionaryPath, Options opt) {
		final KIMService kimSvc = GetService.getKIMService();
		Feed result = null;

		if (result == null) {
			result = createSesameFeed(dictionaryPath, opt);

		if (result == null && kimSvc != null) {
			result = createFeed(kimSvc, dictionaryPath);
		if (result == null && !FileUtils.listFiles(dictionaryPath, new String[]{"def"}, false).isEmpty()) {
		  result = new GazetteerListFeed(dictionaryPath,opt);
		if (result == null) {
			result = new DummyFeed(dictionaryPath);
		return result;

	private QueryResultListener.Feed createSesameFeed(File dictionaryPath, Options opt) {
		File queryFile = new File(dictionaryPath, "query.txt").getAbsoluteFile();
		try {
			URL configFileUrl = new File(dictionaryPath, "config.ttl").getAbsoluteFile().toURI().toURL();
			if (!Files.fileFromURL(configFileUrl).isFile()) {
			  log.info("No config.ttl file in " + dictionaryPath);
			  return null;
			if (!queryFile.exists()) {
			  log.info("No query.txt file in " + dictionaryPath);
			  return null;
			String queryString = FileUtils.readFileToString(queryFile);
			log.info("Query loaded from " + queryFile);
			int settingsHash = new SettingsHashBuilder().getHash(configFileUrl, queryString);
			return new PrivateRepositoryFeed(configFileUrl, queryString, settingsHash, opt);
		catch (IOException e) {
			log.warn("Error while reading " + queryFile.getAbsolutePath(), e);				
		return null;

	private QueryResultListener.Feed createFeed(final KIMService kimSvc, File dictionaryPath) {

		SemanticRepositoryAPI semRep;

		try {
			semRep = kimSvc.getSemanticRepositoryAPI();
		} catch (RemoteException e) {						
			log.info("Semantic repository is not available: " + e.getMessage());
			return null;

	    File queryFile = new File(dictionaryPath, "query.txt").getAbsoluteFile();
	    try {     
	      String queryString = FileUtils.readFileToString(queryFile);
	      return new KIMDataFeed(semRep, null, queryString);
	    catch (IOException e) {
	      log.warn("Error while reading " + queryFile.getAbsolutePath(), e);        
	    return null;