Videos from the 2009 GATE training week. These are out of date and not recommended for training. They are retained here for historical interest. Note also that these videos are Flash based, and that many modern browsers (e.g. Chrome) do not support Flash by default (checked 2017).
- Welcome from Hamish Cunningham, Introduction to GATE Developer with Ian
- Information Extraction using ANNIE, with Angus Roberts
- Introduction to JAPE, with Mark Greenwood
- Introduction to GATE's API, with Valentin Tablan
- Advanced JAPE, with Mark Greenwood
- Name Matching with Andrew Borthwick, plus Evaluation, with Diana Maynard and
Niraj Aswani
- Machine Learning, with Angus Roberts, Horacio Saggion and Genevieve Gorrell
- Ontologies, with Kalina Bontcheva and Johann Petrak
- Teamware, with Kalina Bontcheva
- KIM and CORE Search with Borislav Popov, ANNIC and MIMIR, with Niraj Aswani
and Valentin Tablan
- Opinion Mining, with Horacio Saggion and Adam Funk, plus UIMA, and GATE
Applications as Web Services, with Ian Roberts
- Patent Processing with Kalina Bontcheva and Valentin Tablan, and Semantic
Annotation in Practice, with Diana Maynard and Adam Funk
- NL Interfaces to Ontologies, with Danica Damljanovic, followed by Multimedia
Processing with Valentin Tablan, followed by Text Analytics for Business
Intelligence, with Horacio Saggion, concluding with a wrap-up by Hamish