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8th GATE Training Course: Mining social media content with GATE

The 8th GATE training course will be held from 8-12 June 2015 at the University of Sheffield, UK. Early registration deadline is 1 May 2015.

This event will follow a similar format to that of the 2014 course, with one track Monday to Thursday, and two parallel tracks on Friday, all delivered by the GATE development team. For more information about the schedule, course materials, travel, accommodation, local information etc. please see the FIG participants wiki.

The focus this year in particular will be on mining social media content with GATE. The hands on exercises will be focused on analysing tweets, blogs, and other social media content.

Single track from Monday to Thursday (9am - 5pm):

On Friday, there is a choice of modules (9am - 5pm):

Please note that these two modules are run in parallel, so you can only attend one of them. You must state on the booking form which module you would like to follow on Friday. Note that you will be expected to have some programming experience and knowledge of Java to follow Module 5 on the Friday. No particular expertise is needed for Module 6.


Please fill in this online registration form and email it back to gate-fig@sheffield.ac.uk. You will then be sent details about payment.

The registration fee includes registration for all modules, lunches, tea/coffee and course materials.

Venue and accommodation

The course will be held on the main campus of the University of Sheffield. Further information about the venue and accommodation will be available on the course wiki page.

Further Information

Participants will be required to bring their own laptops with GATE installed. If this is a problem for you, please let us know well in advance.


Please contact us at gate-fig@sheffield.ac.uk for any enquiries relating to the training course.


We will welcome industrial or research sponsorship of the event - please email gate-fig@sheffield.ac.uk for details.
