Recent GATE commercial users
(All in production and all end-user unless otherwise stated.)
Notable recently active customers
- Spock (now Intelius)
- Solcara
- Fizzback
- Innovantage
- Ontotext (techology)
- Ontos (techology)
- OntoPrise (technology)
- Altaplana
- Garlik
- Detica
- Thompson
- Astra Zeneca
- AT&T (research)
- IBM (research)
- Morgan Stanley (research?)
- Roche (research?)
- these are recent customers; older customers include: Glaxo Smith Kline Beecham; Master Foods; British Gas; Syntalex; Lernout Hauspie; British Telecom; the BBC; Swiss RE; Merck; Ely Lily; and several hundred others that we know of...
- our research user set is much much larger, of course