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Part I
GATE Basics [#]

1 Introduction
 1.1 How to Use this Text
 1.2 Context
 1.3 Overview
 1.4 Some Evaluations
 1.5 Changes in this Version
 1.6 Further Reading
2 Installing and Running GATE
 2.1 Downloading GATE
 2.2 Installing and Running GATE
 2.3 Using System Properties with GATE
 2.4 Configuring GATE
 2.5 Building GATE
 2.6 Troubleshooting
3 Using GATE Developer
 3.1 The GATE Developer Main Window
 3.2 Loading and Viewing Documents
 3.3 Creating and Viewing Corpora
 3.4 Working with Annotations
 3.5 Using CREOLE Plugins
 3.6 Loading and Using Processing Resources
 3.7 Creating and Running an Application
 3.8 Saving Applications and Language Resources
 3.9 Keyboard Shortcuts
 3.10 Miscellaneous
4 CREOLE: the GATE Component Model
 4.1 The Web and CREOLE
 4.2 The GATE Framework
 4.3 The Lifecycle of a CREOLE Resource
 4.4 Processing Resources and Applications
 4.5 Language Resources and Datastores
 4.6 Built-in CREOLE Resources
 4.7 CREOLE Resource Configuration
5 Language Resources: Corpora, Documents and Annotations
 5.1 Features: Simple Attribute/Value Data
 5.2 Corpora: Sets of Documents plus Features
 5.3 Documents: Content plus Annotations plus Features
 5.4 Annotations: Directed Acyclic Graphs
 5.5 Document Formats
 5.6 XML Input/Output
6 ANNIE: a Nearly-New Information Extraction System
 6.1 Document Reset
 6.2 Tokeniser
 6.3 Gazetteer
 6.4 Sentence Splitter
 6.5 RegEx Sentence Splitter
 6.6 Part of Speech Tagger
 6.7 Semantic Tagger
 6.8 Orthographic Coreference (OrthoMatcher)
 6.9 Pronominal Coreference
 6.10 A Walk-Through Example