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KNOWMAK: Knowledge in the Making


Developing a European map of knowledge production

The KNOWMAK project aims at developing a web-based tool, which provides interactive visualisations and state-of-the-art indicators on knowledge co-creation in the European Research Area (ERA). It is structured around three integrative elements:

The tool combines traditional research output data (projects, publications, patent applications) with information on social innovation projects and user attention to knowledge production.

Sheffield is responsible for the development of the ontologies, which underpin the topics, and which link user queries, data sources, and indicators. They are also involved in the development of tools for social media analysis.

Sheffield Contact: Diana Maynard

Main KNOWMAK website: http://www.knowmak.eu

Public Results



Sheffield Team

Project publications from the Sheffield team

Talks about KNOWMAK by the Sheffield team

Project funded by the European Commission within the H2020 Framework under Grant No. 726992.

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