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New GATE Releases (14 February 2012)

We are announcing the release of the following new GATE software versions.


1. GATE Developer / Embedded 7.0

At the core of many pieces of GATE software sits the GATE Embedded library. It provides infrastructural support for working with text and annotations. Also included is a large collection of ready-made tools for various processing tasks. GATE Developer is an integrated development environment for text analysis pipelines that provides user-friendly access to the facilities offered by the Embedded library.

GATE Developer and Embedded are distributed together and can be found on our download page.

Principal changes in version 7.0 include:

For a complete list, check the full change log.

2. GATE Mímir 4.0

GATE Mímir is a multi-paradigm information management index and repository which can be used to index and search over text, annotations, semantic schemas (ontologies), and semantic meta-data (instance data). It allows queries that arbitrarily mix full-text, structural, linguistic and semantic queries and that can scale to very large document collections (millions of documents or more, on appropriate hardware).

New in version 4.0:

For a full set of changes, please consult the change log chapter in the User Guide (PDF).

3. GATE Cloud Paralleliser (GCP) 2.2

GCP is a tool designed to support the execution of pipelines built using GATE Developer over large collections of thousands or millions of documents, using a multi-threaded architecture to make the best use of today's multi-core processors.

Changes include:

This version is now used for GATECloud.net Annotation Jobs.

4. GATECloud.net updates

GATECloud.net is a scalable pay-as-you-go service that makes GATE available in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode. There you can use GATE on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud via a simple point-and-click web tool to run analysis processes, index data with Mímir, and manage annotation projects using GATE Teamware.

Software services offered on GATECloud.net have been updated to use the newly released versions: