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HomegatepluginsOntologysrcgatecreoleontologyimplsesame 〉 OWLIMOntology.java
 *  Copyright (c) 1995-2012, The University of Sheffield. See the file
 *  COPYRIGHT.txt in the software or at http://gate.ac.uk/gate/COPYRIGHT.txt
 *  This file is part of GATE (see http://gate.ac.uk/), and is free
 *  software, licenced under the GNU Library General Public License,
 *  Version 2, June 1991 (in the distribution as file licence.html,
 *  and also available at http://gate.ac.uk/gate/licence.html).
 *  Johann Petrak 2009-08-13
 *  $Id: OWLIMOntology.java 18702 2015-05-21 15:36:20Z markagreenwood $
package gate.creole.ontology.impl.sesame;

import gate.Gate;
import gate.Resource;
import gate.creole.ResourceData;
import gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException;
import gate.creole.metadata.CreoleParameter;
import gate.creole.metadata.CreoleResource;
import gate.creole.metadata.Optional;
import gate.creole.ontology.OConstants;
import gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.OntologyFormat;
import gate.util.Files;
import gate.util.GateRuntimeException;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;

import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * This ontology LR allows the creation of an ontology backed by a local
 * Sesame OWLIM repository. The ontology can be optionally loaded with 
 * an initial ontology at creation time and can be created as either
 * persistent or not persistent. If the ontology is created with the 
 * persistent parameter set to true, the directory created to
 * hold all the ontology data will be kept after the ontology is closed.
 * The ontology can be reused later by connecting to it with ConnectSesameOntology
 * LR specifying the directory that was created and the repository id "owlim3".
 * @author Johann Petrak
    name = "OWLIM Ontology",
    interfaceName = "gate.creole.ontology.Ontology",
    comment = "Ontology created as a temporary OWLIM3 in-memory repository",
    icon = "ontology",
    helpURL = "http://gate.ac.uk/userguide/sec:ontologies:ontoplugin:owlim")
public class OWLIMOntology 
    extends OntologyLR

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  public void setPersistent(Boolean persistent) {
    isPersistent = persistent;
  public Boolean getPersistent() {
    return isPersistent;
  protected Boolean isPersistent = false;

  public void setRdfXmlURL(URL theURL) {
    rdfXmlURL = theURL;
  public URL getRdfXmlURL() {
    return rdfXmlURL;
  protected URL rdfXmlURL;

  public void setN3URL(URL theURL) {
    n3URL = theURL;
  public URL getN3URL() {
    return n3URL;
  protected URL n3URL;

  public void setNtriplesURL(URL theURL) {
    ntriplesURL = theURL;
  public URL getNtriplesURL() {
    return ntriplesURL;
  protected URL ntriplesURL;

  public void setTurtleURL(URL theURL) {
    turtleURL = theURL;
  public URL getTurtleURL() {
    return turtleURL;
  protected URL turtleURL;

  @CreoleParameter(comment="Directory that should contain the repository director")
   * Set the name of the directory in which the directory "storage-folder"
   * which contains the ontology repository data will be created.
   * If the directory does not exist but its parent exists, it will be 
   * created.
  public void setDataDirectoryURL(URL dataDirectoryURL) {
    this.dataDirectoryURL = dataDirectoryURL;
  public URL getDataDirectoryURL() {
    return dataDirectoryURL;
  protected URL dataDirectoryURL;

      comment="Ontology base URI, default is http://gate.ac.uk/dummybaseuri#"
  public void setBaseURI(String theURI) {
    baseURI = theURI;
  public String getBaseURI() {
    return baseURI;
  protected String baseURI;

      comment="The URL of a file containing mappings between ontology import URIs and URLs or blank"
  public void setMappingsURL(URL theMappings) {
    mappingsURL = theMappings;
  public URL getMappingsURL() {
    return mappingsURL;
  protected URL mappingsURL;

      comment="If the ontology imports specified in the ontology should get automatically loaded",
      defaultValue = "true")
  public void setLoadImports(Boolean doit) {
    loadImports = doit;
  public Boolean getLoadImports() {
    return loadImports;
  protected Boolean loadImports;

  /* this does not seem to work?
      comment="The format of the ontology file to load",
  public void setOntologyFileFormat(OntologyFormat theFormat) {
    ontologyFileFormat = theFormat;
  public OntologyFormat getOntologyFileFormat() {
    return ontologyFileFormat;
  private OntologyFormat ontologyFileFormat;
   * */

  private File dataDirectory;
  private File storageFolderDir;

  protected Logger logger;
   * Constructor
  public OWLIMOntology()  {
    //logger = initLogger(this.getClass().getName());
    logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());

  /** Initialises this resource, and returns it.
   * @return
   * @throws ResourceInstantiationException
  public Resource init() throws ResourceInstantiationException {
    return this;

   * Loads this ontology.
   * @throws ResourceInstantiationException
  public void load() throws ResourceInstantiationException {
    try {
      logger.debug("Running load");

      // determine ontology file and format to load, if any.
      OntologyFormat ontologyFormat = OConstants.OntologyFormat.RDFXML;
      if(rdfXmlURL != null && rdfXmlURL.toString().trim().length() > 0) {
        ontologyURL = rdfXmlURL;
      else if(ntriplesURL != null && ntriplesURL.toString().trim().length() > 0) {
        ontologyURL = ntriplesURL;
        ontologyFormat = OConstants.OntologyFormat.NTRIPLES;
      else if(n3URL != null && n3URL.toString().trim().length() > 0) {
        ontologyURL = n3URL;
        ontologyFormat = OConstants.OntologyFormat.N3;
      else if(turtleURL != null && turtleURL.toString().trim().length() > 0) {
        ontologyURL = turtleURL;
        ontologyFormat = OConstants.OntologyFormat.TURTLE;
      else {
        ontologyURL = null;
        ontologyFormat = OConstants.OntologyFormat.RDFXML;
      logger.debug("creating ontology resource");
      String ontoURLString = ontologyURL == null ? "" : ontologyURL

      logger.debug("Determined url and format: "+ontoURLString+"/"+ontologyFormat);
      // determine the URL to the plugin directory
      ResourceData myResourceData =
      URL creoleXml = myResourceData.getXmlFileUrl();
      logger.debug("creoleXML is "+creoleXml);

      // determine where to store the repository data
      URL actualDataDirectoryURL = null;
      if(dataDirectoryURL == null) {
        // use the system tmp
        String tmplocation = System.getProperty("run.java.io.tmpdir");
        logger.debug("run.java.io.tmpdir is "+tmplocation);
        if(tmplocation == null) {
          tmplocation = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
          logger.debug("java.io.tmpdir is "+tmplocation);
        if(tmplocation != null) {
            actualDataDirectoryURL = new File(tmplocation).toURI().toURL();
      } else {
          actualDataDirectoryURL = dataDirectoryURL;
      if(actualDataDirectoryURL == null) {
        throw new ResourceInstantiationException(
            "Could not determine location for the data directory");
      logger.debug("dataDirectoryURL is now "+actualDataDirectoryURL);
      if(!actualDataDirectoryURL.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
        throw new ResourceInstantiationException("dataDirectoryURL must be a local file");
      dataDirectory = Files.fileFromURL(actualDataDirectoryURL);
      if(!dataDirectory.exists()) {
        if(!dataDirectory.mkdir()) {
          throw new ResourceInstantiationException(
              "Could not create data directory "+actualDataDirectoryURL);
      } else {
        if(!dataDirectory.isDirectory()) {
          throw new ResourceInstantiationException(
              "Not a directory: "+dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
      storageFolderDir = createTmpDir(dataDirectory,"GATE_OWLIMOntology_");
      logger.info("Storing data in folder: "+storageFolderDir.getAbsolutePath());

      // get the configuration file , check if the system import files
      // are there
      File configDir = new File(pluginDir,"config");
      File repoConfig;

      // This was how it was done with the unmanaged repository: use a
      // persist configuration when the persist parameter is true.
      //if(getPersistent()) {
      //  repoConfig = new File(configDir,"owlim-max-nopartial-persist.ttl");
      //} else {
      //  repoConfig = new File(configDir,"owlim-max-nopartial.ttl");

      // with the managed repository always use the same config (not decided
      // yet wheter to use the persist variation
      repoConfig = new File(configDir,"owlim-max-nopartial.ttl");
      logger.debug("Using config "+repoConfig.getAbsolutePath());
      logger.info("Using config file: "+repoConfig.getAbsolutePath());

      if(!repoConfig.exists()) {
        throw new ResourceInstantiationException(
            "Repository config file not found "+repoConfig.getAbsolutePath());
      File owlDefFile = new File(configDir,"owl.rdfs");
      if(!owlDefFile.exists()) {
        throw new ResourceInstantiationException(
            "OWL definition file not found "+owlDefFile.getAbsolutePath());
      File rdfsDefFile = new File(configDir,"rdf-schema.rdf");
      if(!rdfsDefFile.exists()) {
        throw new ResourceInstantiationException(
            "RDFS definition file not found "+rdfsDefFile.getAbsolutePath());

      OntologyServiceImplSesame oService = 
        //new OntologyServiceImplSesame(this);

      // create a managed repository
      //  storageFolderDir.toURI().toURL(),
      //  "owlim3",repoConfig.toURI().toURL());
      ontologyService = oService;

      logger.debug("Repository created");

      logger.debug("System imports done");

      if(ontologyURL != null) {
        logger.debug("Loading ontology data from "+ontologyURL+
              " using format "+ontologyFormat+" and base URI "+getBaseURI());
        readOntologyData(ontologyURL, getBaseURI(), ontologyFormat, false);
        logger.debug("default name space after loading: "+getDefaultNameSpace());
        logger.debug("Ontology data loaded");
        if(loadImports) {
          Map<String,String> mappings = null;
          if(mappingsURL != null &&  // !mappingsURL.toString().isEmpty()
             (mappingsURL.toString().length() != 0)
            ) {
            mappings = loadImportMappingsFile(mappingsURL);
            logger.debug("mappings loaded: "+mappings);
          logger.debug("Resolving imports");
          logger.debug("Import resolving done");
      // if we did not set the default name space when loading or if we
      // did not load anything in the first place, and if we do have a
      // baseURI set, use it to set the default name space, otherwise
      // set the default name space to a constant fallback URI

      if (getDefaultNameSpace() == null) {
        if (getBaseURI() != null && !getBaseURI().matches("\\s*")) {
        } else {
      logger.info("Default name space is "+getDefaultNameSpace());

    } catch(Exception ioe) {
      if(ontologyService != null) {
        // if we started a service but are going to throw an exception that shut
        // the service down first otherwise we end up with threads that never
        // die that stop the JVM from exiting cleanly
        // Thanks to Steve Wartik for spotting this issue
        ontologyService = null;
      throw new ResourceInstantiationException(ioe);


   * Creates a temporary directory or throws an exception if something goes wrong.
   * This will retry several (1000) times to create a temporary directory inside the 
   * parentDirectory folder. The name of that directory starts with the given
   * namePrefix which is followed by some random string. The function tries 
   * 1000 times to create the directory in case some other process already created
   * a directory with the same name. If creation of the directory does not succeed
   * after 10 trials, a GateRuntimeException is thrown. 
   * @param parentDirectory the directory in which the temporary directory will be created
   * @param namePrefix the prefix of the temporary directory name
   * @return the File representing the newly created directory
  private File createTmpDir(File parentDirectory, String namePrefix) {
    File tmpDir = null;
    String prefixWithTimeStamp = namePrefix + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis(),36);
    for (int trial = 0; trial < 1000; trial++) {
      tmpDir = new File(parentDirectory, prefixWithTimeStamp + trial );
      if (tmpDir.mkdir()) {
        return tmpDir;
    throw new GateRuntimeException("Could not create temporary directory  "
        + tmpDir + " after 1000 unique retries");
  public void cleanup() {
    if(!isPersistent && dataDirectory != null) {
      try {
        logger.info("Directory "+storageFolderDir.getAbsolutePath()+" removed");
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("Could not remove the storage-folder in "+dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath());

  public java.net.URL getSourceURL() {
    if(getRdfXmlURL() != null) {
      return getRdfXmlURL();
    } else if(getN3URL() != null) {
      return getN3URL();
    } else if(getTurtleURL() != null) {
      return getTurtleURL();
    } else if(getNtriplesURL() != null) {
      return getNtriplesURL();
    } else {
      return null;